Tuesday 28 August 2012

Moan Moan Moan

so now I feel like moaning: Blogging isn't fun any more, its bloody hard work. I'm on 'new learning overload', I can't remember which of my friends said what on which site and I'm fed up chasing around all over the place trying to figure out which site is best for doing what and which feature should be prioritised over what and who does what best. In general.............Multiply and the fall out has finally managed to piss me off. I'm trying to save all my stuff to blogger because I like the layout and my stuff looks best there, but its hard to use it as a social networking site and even if it was OK for social networking, people keep telling me that once Multiply turn of the lights my carefully copied stuff will disappear in a puff of smoke into the outer limits of cyberspace never to be seem again. This still feels like home but no one is here, probably the best time for me to have a moan becaus its a bit like standing in the middle of a field and screaming, no one is here to hear. Tried a couple of other sites and I'm keeping up with people but it still doesn't feel right and no other site allows me to insert pictures and videos as easily as I can here, AND...........I can't make my site as 'pretty' as it is here. And now I've just had a spammy email on one of the new sites which I never had here. Just tried the new site here and maybe I'm a bit paranoid, and who wouldn't be given what we have been through, but I see the beginnings of a dating site there, they need to know if you are single or in a relationship and there is a place for 'personal' or some such thing. So..........now that I'm utterly, utterly pissed off I'm going away from the whole bloody thing for a while  and I'm going to buy an ice cream

AND NOW...............my notes don't work so I have to post as a blog...........going to buy ice cream asap.


  1. Which site on here are you referring to? I had a look at one from the phoenix multiply group the other day. I've already decided not to try all these different sites and go with blogger. Will be missing some people because some won't use google, some won't use firefox or chrome or IE. I'm not keen on IE, but sometimes you have no choice. At the moment I'm on safari (ipad). Don't dispair. Sometimes we just have to start anew. Hope your eye is doing better.

  2. I know what you mean. Things were so easy here and learning a new site is difficult.

    And people have been leaving pictures in the message box on my Ipernity site (the only site I'm on now that Multiply is shutting down). I detest pictures in my message box. On Multiply I can block html but not on Ipernity.

    My top page is in blues, greys and white. I don't need some bimbo with a cabbage on her head looking at me everytime I log in there. It's bloody childish. If they've got something to say then say it...........don't leave pictures.

    And you can't delete 'em.

    And a cat. My cat died last week, I don't want to look at a cat every time I go there.

    Yes I'm angry. I don't feel like an ice cream so I'm having a vodka.

  3. And to me a vodka comes in a bottle...........none of that messing about with 'pub measures'. I start at the top of the bottle and when it's all gone I've had a vodka..............:)

  4. Thank you for allowing me to rant, I feel better already.

  5. So sorry to hear about your cat. I lost my beloved dog in July. Thank you so much for that non-recommendation of ipernity. I hate those types of messages on my page too.

  6. You are not alone. My enthusiasm for social networking has been waning for a long time. It started when many of my contacts set up sites on Facebook and kept their sites on Multiply, only to drop in here on occasion to leave fly-by vapid comments. In less than a year, I dropped my contacts from 30 to 8 for that reason.

    I am also pissed off with Multiply. Well maybe more with myself. I saw this coming when Multiply started the Market Place, so no surprise there.

    I am doing a last effort by starting a site on ipernity. It takes awhile to catch on to it and once I found my way around setting up the page, it's not bad at all. Nothing can be made to look like the Multiply page, so looking for that is a lost cause. I have one friend there, lots of people checking me out, but no invites coming my way yet. I haven't invited anyone yet because I don't see how I can get to know them and I have always been about quality and not quantity. Now that I have a shell of a page or site, next I'll tackle the contact dilemma. If ipernity doesn't work out, I will retire from the blogasphere world.

    Your spam will increase because you are using Google driven sites. If they could get into your mouth, Google would sell your teeth to advertisers and spammers.

    I have a separate email address that I use only for my social networking sites. The first thing that I do every morning is to identify them as spam and then delete all of those emails without opening them.

  7. I'll have to take a look at my ipernity site. I thought that messages could be deleted.

  8. You can delete messages on ipernity.

    On ipernity to delete a message or comment:

    Click on "View the whole message" and at the bottom of the message, to the right of "xx hours or days ago", wave the cursor over that space and you will see "permalink / reply / delete", then click on delete.

  9. Thanks Frank, I appreciate that. I've now deleted them.

    My comment here wasn't a non-recommendation of Ipernity, I find the site to be alright........It just takes some work though to understand it. They will be changing some aspects over the next few weeks to make it more 'user friendly' and so I have high hopes. It's the only other site that I'm on so I'll stick with it.

    Here I am. If you call I'll see you.............:)


  10. I fully agree. I have heard that there is an upgrade coming in September. Their beta uploader is already on there and has worked for me.

  11. Ja, the members of the site are working things out and offering advice. We can post pictures and videos in blogs now. It'll get there.

  12. I hear ya. I am still here. I am using Facebook as a base for now. I've looked into Blogster and have no desire to go there. I know exactly what you are saying and I agree with everything. Back it up, pack it up and hold onto it until you're ready. When I clicked on Blogster I was surprised to see everything out in the open, I could see posts and friends, etc and I wasn't a member, so it made me question security and if everything is public. Mus sister also said you can't work in html editing.

    I hope to ultimately find something like this. I hope the folks who are trying to develop something new figure it out and mirror Multiply. My fantasy is that someone out there will offer to buy the damn thing!

  13. I'm still sticking with Blogger.

    I've opened accounts with several other sites: Blogster, Ipernity and Xanga, and frankly none of them are very impressive.

  14. I have an ice cream making machine................and I'm thinking vodka in the ice cream and we could have a party, except of course vodka doesn't freeze, how does home made ice cream and vodka jelly sound?...........you're welcome, just feel free to rant away

  15. I'm on Ipernity, send me your site and I'll invite you. So far Ipernity is the one In like least but I'm there because I have friends there (Bernard take a bow) and I'm just waiting to see how it all pans out.

  16. I didn't even realise there was more than one, the one I joined is called civatar, and I'm thinking of cancelling because, like I said, I think they are setting it up a a dating site. Why else would they want to know your age and relationship status? why else would they list the membership numbers in sex and age??

  17. whew, glad about that, wouldn't want to lose you. I've already spoken to your sister about Blogster and I think we both have similar concerns. I think, in the long term Blogster is one I will keep because that's where Art Sunday has gone to, plus a few of my very good friends are there. I'm also worried about security, it was there that I received the spam mail from someone calling themselvers 'truelove'' or some such think. The fact that it was dealt with and the spammer was blocked doesn't reassure me, spammer shouldn't have had access in the first place.

  18. If the only thing to consider was the site itself and what it offers, so would I. But if I want to keep many of my friends I'm going to have to keep other sites going as well. Plus of course there is the difficulty in using Blogger as a 'social network' site. For a bloggin site, its pretty near perfect, if you don't mind living in semi-isolation.

  19. So am I loretta. I want to meet some of the natives first.

  20. Pith helmet and elephant gun at the ready..............

  21. went before I was done --

    that site just stood up in July

  22. Thank you. It's working out a lot better since Frank showed me how to remove unwanted pictures from my messages.

    Here's something my friend Bob (Bastiat) showed me. Fill a few bottles with raspberries and then top 'em up with vodka. Let 'em marinade for a week or so. It flavours the vodka beautifully................and when you eat the raspberries............:)

  23. Thanks for keeping on top of everything, Pat.

  24. Thanks...............I'm trying to keep up with whats new here, this helps.

  25. I don't think ice cream will fix this. :-(

  26. it didn't, but it made me feel better.............:-))

  27. I'm finding Ipernity a lot harder to find my way around than other sites but others seem to find it easy, I'm not sure why. I've been trying to fix the design and I can't to get it right, I'll have to get a few tips from you, I can't get it to look right.........oh well just keep trying I suppose, yours looks great

  28. Thank you. I think making the centre transparent and the lettering white helps. You can do that on the same that you used to put your background picture up there.

  29. I'm starting on white wine and having a run-up to the vodka. Everything is pleasantly soft focus already..............:)

  30. I live my life that way..............i thought it was normal

  31. yep thats what I want...........for some reason I find it a lot harder there, maybe I've just not spent enough time there yet.

  32. If you click on 'text' it'll show you a colour scheme. Just move the cursor (looks a bit like a rifle sight) down to the bottom right corner where it's white and select that.

  33. It is.......or at least it has been since I discovered brandy..............:)
