Monday 6 August 2012

The end of blogging as we know it.

So here it is, the end of blogging as we know it. What a shame, I really like it here and I don’t want to move. I’ve not received my notice yet but I’m sure it’s on its way and for now, I’ve read plenty of yours.
Giving up the whole blog thing just isn’t an option for me, I would miss my very good friends and I would really miss the interaction with every one. I think I’ve already said; I started a Blogger page quite a while ago and my posts from here get sent over there automatically, but I don’t find the site very user friendly. I still haven’t figured out a way to post directly there with pictures and videos without doing it here first. If every one decides that Blogger is the way to go then I’ll try harder to learn how to use it but, it would be really nice if we could find somewhere similar to this and easier to use.
I guess what I want to say is;
I want to stay in touch,
I want to keep my online friends,
I want to carry on blogging and interacting with my online friends. In order to do all of that,  I’ll go where ever majority of my friends decide to go, AND I’ll do my very best to learn the new skills needed to start again somewhere else.
 So; maybe we can all start thinking about where we are going and please, please if at all possible, lets go as a group.


  1. Loretta look at Wordpress I did and it is a lot like Multiply
    I signed up I think you would like it

  2. thanks Heidi, I'll check it out. I don't actually want to commit to any thing until I hear from more people and find out where every one is going, I really want to try to keep the same friends that I have now.

  3. Me either but this is a cool site so it is worth a look at and maybe test it know several people that use it one is a writer and one is a painter like you and they have cool sites

  4. ok thanks I will. I've just been told that is another good free site, I'm going to check that out too.

  5. Hi - I have Blogger too. I will check out Wordpress. Got a Weebly account but doesn't seem as easy as Blogger?

  6. please PM me to exchange email addys, Loretta. at least we can keep in touch that way, if all else fails. ♥

  7. I've had blogger for ages but can't get used to it, i don't find it easy and I don't think its very easy for contacts to find you..........but if you like blogger and are ok with it, maybe I'll come asking advice about how to get the best out of it.

  8. I need a site that is simple like this one-I tried wordpress and gave up on that one

  9. of course..........but I'm sure we'll find somewhere before December.

  10. I'm a bit like that, problem is now that I feel confident and happy with this site, the thought of learning how to use another one is worrying.

  11. Google+ is also easy and much easier to add contacts :)

  12. ohhh I've just briefly checked out wordpress and................maybe its me but I didn't find that any easier than Blogger. I think what we have here is pretty dam unique and will be hard to replace

  13. Google+ is good as you can add different ''circles'' of friends/colleagues etc, so it could be a main form of communication, and you can hide certain posts from certain groups - so you post to one circle about spiritual matters for example, or political stuff to another, art to another one, and not send the blog/post/photo to your family circle etc. (or choose to send everything to each one!Blogger is easy to post to but some friends have had trouble registering or commenting, whereas Google+ seems to cause no issues so far?

    Weebly and Wordpress seem less user-friendly, but maybe that's just me? :)

  14. Oh! Just saw your last comment...maybe it's not just me then!

  15. I haven't received the notice yet, but I've seen it on the Multiply staff blog. I've not decided where to go yet, am looking at the various alternates.
