Wednesday 29 August 2012

The impermanence of art

The impermanence of art

I suppose, if you want to be pedantic about it, ever thing is impermanent, but talking specifically about art; there are certain art forms whose temporary nature is an integral part of what they are.
I’m talking here about, for example,  performance art, once the ‘performance’ is finished, the art ceases to be, until the next performance, and then its not the same performance as it was, it’s not even an exact replica of the original. that would be impossible.

Performance art

There are other types of temporary art; Sand art for example, beautiful pictures created in sand that are constantly changed into other pictures. None of these pictures are permanent, the only thing that remains after the pictures vanish is the sand box and even that is dismantled and moved around.

Sand Art

And then there is water art, this is a relatively new one on me. Its nature is quite similar to sand art, pictures created out of water that emerge and then disappear.

Water art

 I think I have, (completely unintentionally), created something else that has built in obsolescence. I’ve told every one I’m copying my art and poetry posts from Multiply directly Blogger. There is debate about these posts will continuing to exist after 01.12.2012 when Multiply turns the  lights off. I’ve made a complete online gallery called, ‘The Forgotten Studio’, which is exactly what it will be if every thing disappears. The more I read what Frank says, the more I see the logic and believe it will cease to exist. But when I read what Bennett says, she makes a good case for things never actually being deleted from sites and every thing remaining. The uncertainty adds another element to the whole thing, this site isn’t exactly ‘impermanent’, but it’s not permanent either. I feel a bit like those people who were doing the countdown to the end of time according to the Mayan calendar.  It’s a case of, lets make the most of it until Dec 1 this year’ and then wait and see. I have really enjoyed making this gallery, I’ve seen paintings I forgot I posted and read poems I’ve not read for ages. I’ve read comments and treasured the times we spent together discussing this painting or that poem. The gallery isn’t finished, I still have about 6 months worth of posts to copy/ past and post but I’m taking a break because; I’ve posted so many things I have to decode those awful little words every time I post something new and its driving me mad. That is especially difficult for me given the state of my eyes right now. The album, ‘’The Forgotten Gallery’’ is on blogger, it is open to every one you don’t need a blogger account and any one can comment. If you want to take a look at the many, many art works we have discussed in the last 5 years or so, I recommend you go there as soon as possible and certainly before Dec1 this year………..we are on countdown

My next challenge is to post this, including videos, on 4 separate sites……….
Oh happy, happy learning curve.


  1. I'm not on Blogspot but that link didn't work for me Loretta, I get a page not found message:-(

    I loved the sand art and the water pictures, who needs TV if you can do that? I like performance art, I suppose if we took it frame by frame we're all part of a great mural of history from which these atoms of performance art spin off to briefly shine and dissolve in the ever changing patterns of life and history unfolding.

  2. I don't quite know what to say. I see art as paintings, sculpture, things carved from wood. The Tate Modern bores the pants off me.

    Good luck with your projects though. I hope you're able to repost them. I like your art.

  3. ok thanks I'm not sure why but I've had problems with that link before, its just another blogger blog so it should work, I'll go back and try again

  4. I think blogspot is the same as blogger, I have three blogger sites because I wanted to desperate out my gardening stuff and my art stuff.........sometimes I don't understand what goes on

  5. Loretta, I think that we both make the point, as does Mitch, that moving postings from Multiply needs to go through an intermediate step, like copying the narrative to something that will disassociate it from Multiply and strip out coding added by Multiply. Something like Office, Open Office, a hard drive archive program (as Bennett talks about), a notepad, notebook or word processing softwares. Then copy and paste or upload from there to the new site. Pictures need to come from your hard drive or the Internet. Pictures copied along with your Multiply blog come from Media Locker, no matter what your original source was.

    Direct copy and paste from Multiply comes from posts that are stored in the Media Locker and will link back to the Media Locker. If Multiply deletes our accounts, that storage and those links will be deleted also. There is a slim possibility that I am wrong, but I really doubt it. I disagreed with them when they did Media Locker for that reason and that Multiply took over control of our postings and privacy.

    I expect that people who have shared Multiply postings to other sites like Facebook, et al, in the past, may lose them also. Perhaps either Multiply or Facebook and the others that linked up with Multiply were really sophisticated and converted the shared postings to disassociate the links from Multiply. But is there anyone who would like to wager that any of those sites were thinking about us first? I don't link anywhere, I'm not on Facebook or blogger, etc., so this is a guess on my part, though a logical guess. Like the move from 360, it remains to be seen.

    If direct copy and paste were a viable option, why are the resident X-spurts in the User Support Group recommending so many overly complicated new software downloads to move postings off of Multiply? Perhaps the promised 'tools' coming from Multiply will do the job. Frankly with their previous upgrades record and their current lack of interest in us, I'm not holding my breath.

    I don't know how you moved your blogs and pictures. I am just stating what appears to be obvious to me in copy and paste directly from one site to another.

    Please forgive me. I didn't intend to write so much of this on your lovely art posting.

  6. I very much like sand art. In the US, the building of elaborate sand castles is a rite of summer and there are contests and exhibitions. Fortunately temporary art like sand, water, performance and ice sculpture can be recorded on video and via our wonderful digital cameras. Of course it's not the same as viewing it live and in person, but then, how many of us have seen the Mona Lisa or David up close and personal?

  7. P.S. I'm not on blogspot, but the link worked for me. I couldn't comment because I'm not a member. Your post is quite lovely, shows so much hard work.

  8. The link in the main post works ok for me.

    I tend to agree with most of what Frank said. Although it's an interesting experiment you're running, I would hate for you to lose so many posts if they do indeed vanish when Multiply turns off the lights. You may be wise to create a back-up, and then re-post them to Blogger if necessary. As your posts tend to contain a lot of visuals, not just text, perhaps Bennett's archiving system may work better for you.

  9. That's OK Frank..............I'm pretty sure you are right too. I started doing Copy/ paste direct from here to other sites before I really thought about the implications and before I read any of the discussion on it. Now I have thought about it and now I understand what you mean, I think you are right, its obvious once you stop and think about it. I've spent the last couple of weeks making sites that are all going to just go away on Dec the time I realized that I felt committed.......maybe I'll give it a week or so and start all over again doing it another way. Right now...........I'm not sure

  10. I'll go back and look at the settings, I think I can change it so that any one can comment

  11. That link works fine.....I'm losing the plot... its bad enough having loads of different sites but when some have more than one name how are we supposed to keep up?

  12. Interesting you should say that.............I actually thought of that and it makes what I have done even more of a temporary thing than sand art or water art.

  13. I'm thinking about those free downloads someone mentioned where you can simply save the whole site ( not individual posts) to a hard drive.........I read somewhere that someone took something like 48 hours to complete. I guess software like that and an empty external hard drive would be perfect........problem is I can't remember who mentioned it or where they were.

  14. Loretta,

    Instead of starting over with full-blown blog movement and posting. There is more of a short cut, sort of an abbreviated way to do it. The point being to save what you want to. Get it away from Multiply in a form that is not linked back. The formatting and dressing them up again can be done one at a time later as you decide where to post and what to post. You are wearing yourself down trying to feed too many new sites at the same time.

    As a point of interest. I am going the route of copying only the narrative from the posts that I want to keep. I copy and paste to the free software Open Office. Any software that is for preparing and typing documents will work and if you can save them, they can be saved/moved to a file on your hard drive. That eliminates the need to copy and paste again until you are ready to post it. I started a folder on my hard drive named "Blogs from Multiply to be edited" and I save them to that folder. I'll worry about cleaning them up and formatting them if I use them again. Sometimes I lose the spacing between paragraphs, that sort of thing. Then for things that are easy to get from the Internet again, I have another hard drive folder "Titles used on Multiply" where I just save the titles of the blogs, then if I want to do them again, I'll pull them from the Internet. Example are my Kahlil Gibran and E.A. Poe poetry.

    Comments from blogs and guestbooks can be saved the same way. It's also a good idea to have a clean out as you go, it saves on storage space. You may not want to save every comment in the guestbook.

    I don't use things like Word, Excel or Power Point because they all use and save scripts and codes. I don't know what they may keep from Multiply HTML or CSS. Better to not be surprised later.

    Photos are another thing entirely. If they are saved only on Media Locker, I don't know how to save them. I believe that if they are not saved on a camera or on your own hard drive, then they are they property of Multiply and labled as such. Perhaps someone else has some thoughts there.

    Bennett's point about things never actually being deleted is that even when we entirely delete something from a computer or server, it never really gets deleted. It is floating around in cyberspace and still on a server somewhere in the world, but not for us to retrieve. It's much like energy, light and sound forever going out into the universe. If there are people living in another galaxy maybe they are reading about your blue fence or compost pile. LOL

  15. i think of ice sculpture ~ can you imagine if michelangelo had done david in ice

    and then though ~ "i wish i woulda used marble for that one"



  16. Those cakes looked fabulous, beautiful and delicious /:-)
