Wednesday 22 August 2012

Ten days post surgery

Wednesday 22 Aug,
I wasn't going to post this here, but |in the end I couldn't not. Like I said, old habits die hard.

I’m now ten days post surgery. This has been a very strange ten days. When I left the hospital they told me how they had put a tiny bubble of gas inside the retina. Its purpose was to hold every thing in place and allow the eye to heal.
They explained I wouldn’t be able to see out of my right eye because I would be looking through the bubble. Initially I would only be aware of light and dark and a few hazy shadows. 2-4 weeks after surgery the bubble should break up and disburse and vision should gradually return. I was told to hold my head upright, sleep sitting up and go home to rest.
I am allowed to use the computer and watch TV, providing I do it sitting up in an upright position. No lifting, no returning to work and absolutely NO GARDENING.
I’d rather not have eye surgery at all, but if it HAD to happen, and if using the computer HAS to be one of the few things I’m allowed to do, I suppose it couldn’t come at a better time.
I’ve missed the start of the new term which really doesn’t bother me at all, my daughters partner was working away which meant I could stay with her for a few days and once home I had lots to do on the computer. I stayed with her for 5 days. The countryside around her house is beautiful.
I took a short walk every after noon and, even though I couldn’t see exactly what I was looking at, I admired the beauty of the fields around her house. I understood, probably for the first time, how awful it must be for those who can’t see at all. I took photos, not that I could really see what I was taking but I know those fields, I’ve taken lots of photos there before.
I came back here Saturday and have spent the last 5 days catching up with every thing on the computer and saving all my work from Multiply before it disappears. I’ve now saved every thing except the art posts and in a very odd way, I’m even grateful for having the time to do this.  I’ve made a separate gardening blog, which is something I’ve wanted to do for ages and I’ve joined a couple of sites to keep in touch with people. I’m pleased I made the most of this time confined to the house.
Now of course all I want to do is go out in the garden. Most days I stay in PJ’s, and there’s a reason for that. If I get dressed I’ll end up going outside, and if I go outside, I’ll end up pulling weeds from the garden and worrying about my fruit that’s rotting on the canes.  I did quite well in the garden this year and when I came home, I couldn’t help noticing all the things that need doing out there. My next hospital appointment is next week, maybe after that I’ll be allowed out into the garden. I hope so, I’m missing my garden and can’t wait to get back out there.

I’m hoping to start seeing things again soon but until then, at least I have my computer and my hundreds of photos. These were all taken while I stayed with my daughter.

The thing I'm most pleased about is setting up my own gardening site, this is something I've wanted to do for ages and now at last I have. The site contains ALL of my gardening posts and this is the one blog I'm sure to keep going


  1. if i lived closer i would come over and help ~ dang ocean!


  2. Your post here is wonder! Love how you copied and pasted everything and posted to blogspot. You gardening posts there are great /:-)
    BTW The link in the blog worked for me when I removed the http:// - not sure what that was about - in the comment it worked properly.

  3. oh my how for the best dear loretta keep us informed

  4. At least you have found lots to keep you occupied during your enforced rest. Look at it (no pun intended) as a sort of blessing in disguise. Considering your visual restrictions, the photos have come out great. I hope you're allowed to get back to your garden soon.


  5. Hope you make a full recovery soon Loretta
    Jan x

  6. Good. I can post the comment hre I was trying to make on your garden blog yesterday. It was just to let you know I was thinking of you and knew you'd be missing your gardening. Take care.
