Sunday 17 January 2010

A note about the weather………….. Grrrrrrrr First we have the ‘’big freeze’’……………days, weeks, of sub zero conditions with ice every where and blizzards a daily occurrence. This is when I emptied two bags of builders sand all over my driveway in an attempt to destroy the ice and advert me slipping and doing serious damage to self. Then the thaw followed by what can only be described as a mini-monsoon season. This is when I discovered the pond fish had all (except one) died. This is also when the builders sand, that had done a terrific job of protecting me from possible falls on the ice, suddenly turned my driveway into a quagmire. Today………….well now it has stopped raining and the temp is mild for this time of year. So out I go to attempt removal of the quagmire, turns out shovelling wet dirty sand is an odious, dirty back breaking task. I did my best, well no actually I didn’t, I cleared most of it and then decided I’d had enough and needed a rest so indoors I came. The icing on the cake ???..... couldn’t help noticing my garden now has a couple of small swarms of MIDGIES circling the pond**************AGHHHHHHHHHH OK………..moan over I'm outta hear, feel the need to recoup and maybe open early bottle wine, wonder if there's a good weepy on telly thas afternoon.


  1. OMG, some days are just that way! the driveway sounds like a real frustration, i hope it gets better for you. it is horribly stormy and rainy here today. yup, an early bottle of wine and some good weepies on the telly sound like a good way to spend the afternoon. HUGS

  2. Ah, the grass is always greener. What I wouldn't give for your midgy weather - we still have snow everywhere and ice on the roof. -3º here.

  3. your weather sounds like ours

    i am still chipping away at the ice on the edges of my driveway

    the wine sounds good


  4. We seem to have had elements of all four seasons in the past couple of weeks. Hope it settles down soon. Sorry to hear about your pond fish dying.

  5. agree with mitch here to freeze snow rain thaw and my roof sprung a leak ugh
    enjoy the wine my friend

  6. Can I just say......ewwwwwwww....and bring on the wine and telly. No weepies. Something dumb and silly to make you giggle.

  7. I do believe that the entire northern hemisphere is having unusual and extreme weather this winter. We go from sub-freezing temperatures in the early morning to near shirt sleeve sunshine in the afternoon, yet there is still ice on the ground. There is a confused Robin outside. I don't know if it's early for spring or late leaving for the winter.

  8. It's been messy here too, venting is good now find a relaxing way to chill /:-)

  9. We haven't seen the sun very much (if any) since November - so much for sunny Spain. My plants would sure like to see the sun.

  10. I empathise Loretta! Wales has been icy cold too and more snow than we've had for years, which I loved, so shame to see the rain as I prefer cold to wet!
    Hope you enjoyed the wine and the chill out in front of tv!

  11. I sympahize! It's drying up now but we've had loads of rain and building work going on, lots of mud and cement (and nine dogs in and out ~ oof!)
