Friday 15 January 2010

Song Saturday, Camel, Kevin Ayers, Brian Eno and others.

The post Christmas/ New Year radical clear out and move toward minimalist living WAS going great……………two + bins fill of general waste, 10 bags of clothing, textiles ect for recycling and 8 boxes of  books CD’s and assorted ‘stuff’ heading for the charity shop. Bang on track for the clear out of the millennium until…. I start preparing for the disposal of approximately 400 old vinyl music albums.

OHHHHH dear, my resolve is failing, I NEVER play these old things and they are a VERY high maintance as far as storage goes. BUT, once I took them out of the cupboard, saw all those lovely old album covers, remembered all those once familiar bands, I drifted off into some sort of time warp nostalgia, and ….. oh I’m not so sure I can do this. My head tells me get rid of all this stuff I don’t need any more, my head says it clutters up my house, it clutters up my life it owns me rather than vice versa. But somewhere inside this dilapidated old body of mine with its arthritic joints and failing hearing……….somewhere in there seems to be this long forgotton happy hippy desperate to hang on to her music. What inner turmoil, a battle of wills between me and me.
Camel are an English progressive rock band formed in 1971. An important figure in the Canterbury scene, the group has been releasing studio and live recordings steadily since their formation in 71.
For an excellent write up on this band check them out at Wikipedia.

Camel - Snow Goose Excerpts.

And if that doesn’t rock yr boat try this line up.
K. Ayers, J. Cale, B. Eno, Nico with (Mike Oldfield on Guitar)

Kevin Ayers, John Cale, Brian Eno, Nico
Album: June 1, 1974
Track: Everybody's sometime and some people all the time blues
Mike Oldfield as guest musician on solo guitar.

It's late in the evening
And the weather is cold
I'm beginning to miss you
But that story's so old
I know I've been knocking
My head on the wall
And I must have been crazy
To leave
Oh yeah, yeah
Strange kind of blues coloured moon
Shines in the middle of my room.

Sometimes I'm burning
With a vision so bright
That it brings on the sunshine
In the middle of the night
And all those musical ladies
And the crazed young men
They are trying to make music
Together again? 0h no no
And a strange kind of blues coloured moon
Shines in the middle of my room.



  1. Keep the vinyl Loretta, even if you decide to sell it on later, but don't throw it out :)
    You have got rid of the rest, vinyl has a special place in our hearts ;)
    Says me, the great hoarder!
    But stuff like this deserves a corner, or a box, or even a trunk LOL......

  2. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!

    do NOT give them up

    i'll have mine forever
    our collections sound the same
    and you can't find most of it on cd

  3. mmm how about a whole attic.............??, and don't worry, what ever happens they will not be thrown away, they are sort of 'claimed' by my eldest daughter, she's always said they are 'hers' once I'm dead.............yeah charming girl. But, owing to space and de-cluttering, I was about to hand them all over now, along with the vintage but perfectly good marantz deck and amp. Now I'm thinking maybe make her wait, in al honesty she only wants them cos she thinks they may be valuable i don't think she values them as music................oh the dilemma.

  4. hey.................maybe i should do a poll?? lol...............keep them, give them away, keep them, give them away,

  5. Nemoooooooooooooooooooooooooo I hear you................thanks

  6. i pulled out my "tubular bells" album just last week for a spin


  7. mmm how about a whole attic.............??, and don't worry, what ever happens they will not be thrown away, they are sort of 'claimed' by my eldest daughter, she's always said they are 'hers' once I'm dead.............yeah charming girl. But, owing to space and de-cluttering, I was about to hand them all over now, along with the vintage but perfectly good marantz deck and amp. Now I'm thinking maybe make her wait, in al honesty she only wants them cos she thinks they may be valuable i don't think she values them as music................oh the dilemma.

  8. Think I have that album too..................but maybe not.
    now that a sufficient number of years have passed I can laugh at the raging 'custody ' battle between me and the ex during the divorce..............oh my, it was definitely the vinyl that brought out the big guns in our divorce.................the collection ended up being split in half, and of all the awful things that happened I think it will be the loss of half ''his'' collection that he will hate me forever for. opps :-))

  9. lol

    i bet

    i am a record hoarder
    i have everyone's from my sisters to friends no longer in this world
    i only have about 10 cds
    and maybe 5 cassettes

    but i will never give up my records


  10. if you were down the road
    then i'd keep them for you
    then you could come over anytime for a music fix


  11. AWWWW thats so nice, I'd love to go some place and have a 'music fix' what a great idea. Think I would listen to them if there was a 'music fix' group i could go to.

  12. lol

    i wish we could play them live over the puter


  13. wow............yeah thats an idea...............think i'm gonna keep them for a while longer, maybe I could play them again at some point.

  14. i listen to mine every chance i get
    which wasn't often until a couple months ago
    i think vinyl sounds better then any other form of recording
    i even have some78's


  15. Hmmmmm yeah, I was a bit peed off when I was told my dad had sent all his 78's to the tip. He had a wonderful collection of 78's, all sorts of music from Glen Miller to Caruso to Bill Halley, he even had some Billie Holliday and I had no idea they were gone until it was too late. Later when 78's became redundant he collected all the old musicals on vinyl...........West Side Story, Carousel, Carmen, loads of stuff and it all went to the tip..............oh sighhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  16. Hmmmmm yeah, I was a bit peed off when I was told my dad had sent all his 78's to the tip. He had a wonderful collection of 78's, all sorts of music from Glen Miller to Caruso to Bill Halley, he even had some Billie Holliday and I had no idea they were gone until it was too late. Later when 78's became redundant he collected all the old musicals on vinyl...........West Side Story, Carousel, Carmen, loads of stuff and it all went to the tip..............oh sighhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  17. and you are thinking of doing it too?!?

    i'd hang onto them if i was you


  18. thanks Nemo, yeah of course you are right, i'll hang on to them for between talking to you I did quite well tonight.............not only have I done a song for Sat.............just finished Art Sunday to bed now cos its late here, catcha later my friend.

  19. what a busy bee you are

    may your dreams be as sweet as you


  20. I'm always juggling between wanting to clear the decks, and keep everything as well.

    "But somewhere inside this dilapidated old body of mine with its arthritic joints and failing hearing……….somewhere in there seems to be this long forgotton happy hippy desperate to hang on to her music. What inner turmoil, a battle of wills between me and me. "

    I know what you mean!

  21. You could transfer them all to MP3 and then paper the walls with the covers, that would save space and you get to keep the music AND the album covers '))

  22. i can 100% identify with all that you wrote... i feel the same about my 'treasures.' had not heard this group before... being a yank and all... but i DO like it and intend to seek more... thanks

  23. Thank you Roy.............nice to know someone out there understands the dilemma. If you like this music, which I suppose can loosely be termed part of the ''Canterbury Sound'' a Specifically English part of the progressive rock movement ( see here)
    then Welsh Doug is the man to talk too, what he doesn't know about these bands isn't worth knowing, not sure if you know him, he is here
    happy listening

  24. I share the dilemma in general although I don't have very many vinyl records--we do not have it in our minds to get rid of the ones we do have. But a clear out, we think about it, but rarely do anything about it.
