Monday 6 September 2010

Carlos Santana

Sometimes, it all gets too much,

I feel like...''stop the world I want to get off''

There seems to be so much bad out there and I need to not think about it, ................

This helps......................



  1. I like Santana...some are better then others. I like when he has a guest with him too.

  2. brings a whole new meaning to 'grow your own'........................oh god I hate getting old, who ever said youth is wasted on the young knew a thing or two.

  3. Santana is definately 'lift the spirits' miusic. This one does it for me:

  4. Being aware that the bad exists is sufficient, we don't need to dwell on it, we need to make sure we don't contribute to it.

  5. can always rely on you for wise words, thanks :-)

  6. Had to stop by when I saw it was about Santana! Was really glad I did when I got to see one of my favs two men together! This song is awesome because the combination of the two talents! Rob and Santana for breakfast.. who could ask for more?!!

  7. I, of course, was speaking theoretically.

  8. oh.. of course....................I knew that :-)
