Wednesday 15 September 2010

real IRA warns it will resume attacks

The Real IRA has said it will resume attacks on the UK mainland - with banks and bankers its principal targets.
Just the thought of these people resuming attacks on mainland UK fills me with dread, but as I read the article, this jumped out at me. 

"The bankers grease the politicians' palms, the politicians bail out the bankers with public funds, the bankers pay themselves fat bonuses and loan the money back to the public with interest.
"It's essentially a crime spree that benefits a social elite at the expense of many millions of victims."

And, much as I despise and fear any terrorist organisation
……………I have to admit they have a point.


  1. They do have a point. It sounds like exactly why financial reform legislation was passed this year in the US. Of course those who benefit from the 'crime spree' fought it every step of the way and even convinced many of their supporters that it would destroy the American way and make us a socialist country.

  2. It would be awful to have all that again .... its always been said the Real IRA are a sleeper cell and armed
    & ready. Wonder if they are still funded by Americans

  3. I think most people would agree with this statement. However, nothing can justify terrorism.

  4. I know Brenda, and I'm sure no one thinks I am supporting any sort of terrorism

  5. A terrorist organisation trying to win popular support with economic arguments? If it wasn't so serious, it would be laughable. Let no-one be fooled, these people are murderous bastards. Nothing more.


    here is a thread I posted on The Real Ira if any one is interested .... the IRA was funded by Libya and America ... hope that will not be the case again as the funding enabled the terror

  7. thanks Jan, think I read this when you posted, its difficult to know what to do in the face of people who don't seem to want any thing other than to fight. I never really understood why they were so opposed to the peace process. It wasn't ( isn't ) perfect but it took so much effort to get there, in the end there were massive compromises on all sides and I think it was just about the best that could have been achieved in the circumstances. Very hard to understand how these people could expect any more than was offered or what they hope to achieve by carrying on fighting.

  8. The bankers surely had us over a barrel here in the US. We had to bail them out or watch our economies disintegrate. But no one went to jail and our President did not find a way to curb the fat bonuses. Nor have we fixed the economic system that led to the Great Recession.

  9. Some people just like to fight.

  10. thats the bottom line, or maybe its truer to say they want to win more than they want a negotiated peace.

  11. same thing happened here. Which is why, when I saw what these people were putting forward as an argument it caught my attention. I think this quote about the banks is true. I also think that because it comes from this source, many people will dismiss it as no more than propaganda. Which is a shame, because the content of a speech, is more important than who is saying it. I also think that highlighting some unpleasant truth about 'the enemy' can be used and manipulated to make the unacceptable appear acceptable to those who agree with you.................and this very small article is a good example of all of that
