Saturday 11 September 2010

More Song saturday, lou Reed

Another saturday done and dusted, lets finish appropriatly with a song from the iconic Lou Reed album Transformer.......................




  1. This is one of the best CD I got :-D - thanks a lot for recalling it to me! The song is great too; only, I don't feel like going to sleep at all... Once I crossed an entire nation by foot while humming another song from that CD; it's a nation ruled by an absolute monarchy and where an old man with a evil smile and wearing unmeasurably ridiculous clothes plays the king and is considered beyond any mistake since chosen directly by someone else who, like that king...

    that whiskey cream is great! :-D *BLUSH*

  2. i believe the below is one of the greatest songs ever written


  3. thanks Nemo, it reminds me of JJ Cale more than the usual Lou reed, you're right though, great piece of music

  4. Lou Reed has what I'd call a 'marmite' either love it or hate it. To be honest, the first time I ever heard him, I hated his voice and decided his music was not for me. Thankfully a girlfriend kept playing one of his albums and I finally started actually listening to the songs and not just his voice. I was hooked, in a very similar way I got hooked on Dylan. First Reed song I ever bought (remember singles? LOL), was the obvious one, but still a great song:

  5. I remember when the above song "Walk on the Wild Side" first came on the radio; I was a teen. I really liked it, it was cool, funky and edgy. I have it on a compilation CD and listen to it sometimes. It's still got that cool groove for me.
