Thursday 13 January 2011

A little time, and the three weird sisters

I've had a few days off work, my arthritis has been quite bad and I find my self in the unusual situation of having to stay indoors, not move about too much and finding a way to occupy myself. AND.........this is the result  :-)

My interpretation of the three witches made famous in 'That' Scottish play.

Moral of the story seems to be.............don't piss me off, the ...'models' for this painting, are three ladies who I work with and  who could, at times, easily be mistaken for three witches.  

:-) not to be taken too seriously of course.


  1. Oh, they do look quite witchy: smug and manipulative. Love the castle in the background.

  2. i love your witches, Loretta! wonderful painting, i love the use of color on their faces, and the background is perfect. feel better, luv.


  3. Hi Loretta , hope your pain eases soon as the weather gets little wrmer ( or at least less bitter )

  4. Does that mean that you are going to 'hang them' at work?

    Seriously, I hope that you are feeling better. Having bouts with rheumatoid arthritis myself, I can sympathize with the being shut down for several days at a time.

  5. Hope this finds you better. Maybe your witches can find a magic potion for you. I love your porttrait.

  6. lol................took me a while to 'get' the word play there
    I wouldn't dare take this to work never mind 'hang' it there
    BUT...........know the saying about enough rope and hanging oneself.............think this could apply to these particular ladies.

  7. Thanks Enmma.............I'm sure you understand when I say they could easily be mistaken for three witches...........there are 'witches' and there are 'witches'........... :-)

  8. Hope you are feeling better , i like the painting , it's unusual but very nice .
    Thank you and take good care . Hugss

  9. Hmmm.....which witch is which?

  10. :-).............several nice little 'play on words' here in the comments

  11. TY........... we aim to please :-)

  12. you did

    i clicked on it as was looking at the large version
    some cool detail there

    kind of reminds me of the "court of the crimson king" album cover


  13. I love that cover..............I once painted it on to the back of a leather jacket, ( not mine)

  14. I may even have a photo of it somewhere.........but its too late to look now. Maybe another day :-)

  15. it is one of my favs also

    it would be cool to see that jacket


  16. a future art sunday post in the making


  17. I've got a bit of a problem accessing some of my hundreds of photos................loads of them are saved to CD and I recently discovered that my present computer only reads DVDs not CDs , which is a bit of a problem. I've had this computer a while now but as soon as I realised it doesn't read CD's I've found myself wanting all sorts of photos I can't get at.

  18. oh my!
    that is like having a photo album glued shut


  19. yeah never thought of it like that guess you're right. Its weird cos I've had this computer for more than a year now and have been quite happy with it, until the other day when I put a CD into the drive, expecting it to play..... and realised it only plays DVD's.........Ever since than I keep thinking of all the stuff I desperately need and can't get. Funny how I didn't 'need' any of it for more than a year when I didn't know I couldn't get it... if you see what I mean.

  20. i know exactly what you mean

    my daughter lost a ton of photos when her puter crashed
    some really great shots


  21. she has my sympathy, at least my photos aren't 'lost' just temporarily unobtainable ( I hope)

  22. I'm sure I will be able to buy an external CD drive to plug in and access my pictures.

  23. i think so
    and some places can transfer to the new disk

