Thursday 20 January 2011

Something good in the news for a change.


The news usually depresses me, it seems to be all doom, gloom, depression and recession. More attacks on innocents, more repression, more bigotry, etc etc .........well today I found a couple of little things that gave me hope.

An American preacher who threatened a mass public burning of the Koran has been banned from entering the UK.
Pastor Terry Jones provoked international outrage when he organised the stunt to coincide with the anniversary of the September 11 attacks last year. Pressured by the White House, he eventually called off the mass burning.
Jones had been invited to speak at rallies organised by the small far-right group “England Is Ours.” But the Home Office has prevented him entering the country. A spokesman from the Home Office said:
“The government opposes extremism in all its forms which is why we have excluded Pastor Terry Jones from the UK. Numerous comments made by Pastor Jones are evidence of his unacceptable behaviour.
Coming to the UK is a privilege, not a right, and we are not willing to allow entry to those whose presence is not conducive to the public good.”

At last...............I can agree wholeheartedly with the Home Office statement.

A gay couple are suing after a Christian-run hotel in Cornwall barred them from staying in a room together.
Martin Hall and Steven Paddy, who are civil partners, have launched a county court claim seeking up to £5,000 in damages alleging “direct discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation”.
They booked the room in November but were told on arrival that the hotel could not honour the booking

It's good to see anti discrimination laws actually being used.  How the hotel owners run their own lives and home, is up to them, but once they open up their home to the public and offer it as hotel accommodation stops being a private matter and enters the public arena........ And there is no space for discrimination in the public arena...............

Feeling quite happy with the world tonight


  1. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh is that whats going on?? well thank the moon very much from me please :-)

  2. The gay couple were actually allowed to stay at the B&B on condition they only use the rear entrance....

  3. I always end up feely guilty for laughing at the totally non PC things you say.............:-)

  4. I got a million of 'em......

  5. I applaud the UK Home Office for refusing entry of that ass Terry Jones. I wish our laws were so that we could charge him with a hate crime for even trying that stunt. Unfortunately in this country any nutcase with a bible and an idea can claim that they are a religion and ordain themselves king of the misinformed. That's all it takes to circumvent some laws that the rest of us would get clobbered with. Well that and being politician/nutcase.

    I truly hope that the two men win their claim against the hotel. If the hotel owners want to discriminate, they shouldn't be in a business open to the public to begin with. At least, they should not have accepted the reservation to begin with.

    We have an interesting court case going here now. A pharmacist refused to fill a doctor's prescription for birth control pills. The pharmacist stated that birth control is against her religious and moral beliefs. The pharmacist will lose the court case, not for intolerance, but for religious discrimination. Get thee to a nunnery!

  6. Frank has already called 'Pastor' Jones an ass so I won't repeat that, but I will say like the others before me that I'm glad he was refused entrance. Now why didn't they do that with you know who? Oh, I know money talks!

  7. I think Frank already said pretty much exactly what I was going to say. Definately a good news day.

  8. sorry just a bit slow there, yes totally agree..........

  9. yep think we all agree with Frank
