Saturday 8 January 2011

Urgent appeal, please take Donald Trump home

Urgent appeal to America….

Please take Donald Trump home,

we don’t want him here.

If you need to ask why, visit here.


Tripping Up Trump

Standing up for the people and environment threatened by Donald Trump’s development in Aberdeenshire.

Now about protecting the families that are being threatened by compulsory purchase, not for a school or a hospital but for private profit.

Residents of ‘Menie’ have AGAIN  and AGAIN stated they do not wish to sell and only ask to be left alone in peace but Donald Trump will not accept this fate. Worse still, planning permission was granted on the grounds that he had all the land he needed!!

This is why Tripping Up Trump will stand strong and protect the residents of ‘Menie’ from the lurking threat of compulsory purchase. What is happening to the homeowners could happen to anyone else, once a precedent is set.

video links dare this American imbecile call Mr Forbes the village idiot and his croft  a slum !!...........Please take this revolting man back to America.

He seems to have bought and paid for Aberdeenshire council AND The Scottish Government ( shame on us)

He has already managed to manipulate his way into buying some of the most beautiful and special sand-dunes in Scotland to turn into some sort of Disney type golf resort, a play thing for the rich. Not happy with that, he is now terrorising little people and threatening their way of life. His latest maneuver is to sue very poor people for a fortune in legal fees.............because they stood up to him.

This man is a monster, take him away





  1. F*** OFF TRUMP!! That asshole needs to be taught that there aremore important things in life than being rich and making profit. Try being a human being, shithead!!


  2. The dollar does not buy everyone and everything !!

  3. oh I wish, it seems to have bought The Scottish Government. In the original council hearing Trump failed but the Scottish Government overruled them, the councillor who stood against Trump lost his position on the council, .............what sort of democracy is that??

  4. Sorry for the rant, but I hate his guy. Just what right does he have to publicly speak about anyone that way? Thinks he is untouchable because of his money.

  5. you rant away my friend, if you want to piss him off go the the site, join the 'bunker' and stand against Trump. I'm not at all sure how much of this is only shown as local News in Scotland but if you are not aware of what he is doing you should be. If he can buy up some of the most important and supposedly protected sites in Scotland, and then evict any one who stands in his way.............whats to stop him moving south to Yorkshire, or the Lake District, or any where else that takes his fancy? He is a monster and needs to be stopped. This is the sort of rampant money motivated profiteering that has left the American people at the mercy of big business with no paid holidays, no universal health care, no paid maternity leave etc etc need I go on. Do we really want his sorty of big business over here?? I think not.

  6. sad to say but money talks always --I feel so bad for people for they never had a chance :(

  7. I've bookmarked TUT's site, will be going back for a fuller look later. I did have a brief look around. One article that caught my eye was the one about Trump attempting to block the building of a windfarm. What a frigging hypocrite!! I couldn't believe this jerk's nerve in saying "Every component of our project is based upon sea views. We cannot allow the construction of what is tantamount to 65-storey structures off our coastline". OUR COASTLINE??? Here's the news ain't YOUR coastline.

  8. I have to say, if you look through my photographs, and I know you do, you can find dozens of pictures of derelict and disused salmon fishing stations dotted all along the east coast. As a way of life its dying out, at least in the traditional way, this Mr Forbes is one of the few remaining traditional crofters along this stretch of coast line which I love so much. rather than seeing hundreds of years of uninterrupted history, a way of life stretching back through the generations, Trump sees only a 'slum'...........HE is truly impoverished for not seeing what is really there.

  9. actually it is..............HE BOUGHT IT AND OUR GOVERNMENT ALLOWED HIM

  10. All he sees are dollar signs.

  11. That really is sad then. How could they let that happen? Don't tell me, let me guess........

  12. I was muddling along very quietly this morning when I decided to make one of my "friends of friends" jaunts and ended up here. Immediately, my head started pounding and I think my blood pressure spiked! I had to say something about this awful situation myself.
    I so despise this creature. I don't want him back here, either. Can we just agree to drop him off somewhere over the Atlantic, without a parachute?

  13. if this falls inside the criteria.............''no harm to dumb animals' sounds like an excellent idea. :-)
    thanks you made me that blood pressure :-)

  14. I'm glad you used the term 'creature' rather than 'man'. He doesn't qualify for the latter, not being a human being.

  15. Loretta i have joined " The Bunker " signed up member :)

  16. Well I think that thing on his head like Samson is his power. Maybe get him to cut it off and he will disappear.

  17. We don't want him, but we can't in good conscience leave him over there. Where is Braveheart when you need him?

  18. Crofts are lovely places, and I think Mr Forbes has shown that he's definitely no village idiot - not sure we can say the same about Mr Trump though. He's certainly shown very little etiquette and culture. I suppose if you have all the money you need and more you don't have to. Scotland has some of the most beautiful sights in the world. When I see your photos, Loretta, I think how lucky you are to live where you live. Now Mr 'Fired' Trump wants to destroy that! I say TUT, TUT!

    P.S. We've got enough luxury golf courses here. Jobs would be good, but not if it means destroying natural beauty and local tradition.

  19. Are you kidding? It has been a whole new country since he left. Like a breath of fresh air on a sunny spring morning.

  20. I doubt if very few people in the US are aware of the abuses of eminent domain (compulsory purchase in the UK); or for that matter even knows what it is since their concern seems to be focused on what some celebrity slut is wearing or not wearing. The idea of eminent domain was to prevent one person from disrupting a public project that is for the good of the public, such as widening and straightening a roadway to improve its safety. However, eminent domain has been used to seize private lands and then the land handed over to private developers to build shopping malls.

  21. Have no fear, I hear Mr. Trump is scheduled to go hunting with former US vice-president Cheney.

  22. is this good? is he the hunter or the hunted?
    maybe he will find some other place and some other poor unsuspecting people to terrorise and will be persuaded not to come back here...........oh how I wish.

  23. That was humour. Dick Cheney, when he was serving as Vice President of the US, went hunting with a friend of his and ended up shooting his friend with a non-life threatening shot. I think the guy still carries shot logged in his body.

  24. I should have explained. Yes, and I believe one of the places Mr. Cheney's shots landed was in his companion's face.

  25. :-) are tempting me to wish something very bad on this man, possibly even life threatening, but .............I don't want to think things like that, which is why I asked..........can't you just take him home please :-)

  26. The difference between a Scotswoman and a Siciliana: The Scotswoman regrets her thoughts of bodily harm, the Sicilian woman regrets she can't make them happen.

  27. love it :-)
    you don't happen to have 'family' back in the old country do you ?? :-)

  28. Actually, I do. I had "family" in this country as well. But he's gone. He died under mysterious circumstances. In Chicago. I am serious. I should do a blog about him. He was very colorful. On second thought...

  29. wow...........I am seriously impressed, a blog on this colourful character would be wonderful

  30. I could do it - a little disguising here and there. Hmmmmm.....

  31. does he or his surviving 'family' have any land that could be of interest to Mr Trump?? , just looking for a little distraction for mr Trump of course :-)

  32. Unfortunately, they would be more interested in doing Mr. Trump's bidding as he has more money to pay them off.

  33. Oh, you were talking land. No, no land of interest to Mr. T. ~sigh~

  34. totally disillusioned now, I thought family loyalty meant something
    oh well...........time for more thought I suppose

  35. It was different in the old days.

  36. Just found another web site which looks interesting, they are selling a book that takes a serious look at the proposed development.............Think I could be tempted by this.

  37. Loretta, I'm going to put a link to your post.

  38. We don't want him back! lol

  39. I am sharing this on my Facebook account.
