Saturday 8 January 2011

More Snow :-)...........It began snowing on 1.11.10, we had a thaw over New Year, and now guess what.............yep.....its SNOWING again. Maybe someone should tell Mr Weather man that you can have too much of a good thing. Its very pretty but I'm tired of being cold. Ahhh well.............another photo opportunity I suppose :-))


  1. I must live in one of the few parts of the UK that has escaped the snow almost entirely this winter. Apart from a brief flurry one day in mid December, there's been none here at all.

  2. I'll send you some of ours...........we have plenty to spare :-)
    In fact over Chritmas I couldn't fit all the food for my vast visiting family into my little freezer so I stored it out side the front door in buckets of snow :-)
    yes I really did .............

  3. Ummmm.....thanks for the offer, but you can keep, really :-))

    Storing the food in the snow seems like a great bit of improvisation:-)) Although I didn't have snow here, still has sub-zero temps quite a bit before Christmas. It's been warmer since New Year though.

  4. We are having snow again, as I type. I have never had one good word for snow and I won't start now. :-}

  5. sorry here today it is 12C nice and springy

  6. we might have more snow, too. not the usual weather for us. stay warm, Loretta.

  7. This is how it is in Michigan. It starts snowing in December, keeps it up until mid-March. Our temperature today is -16ÂșC. We get very weary of it too. In your case it is (ironically) caused by global warming. The melting polar ice caps have to go somewhere. You can look at the snow and say "Wow, this snowflake might have once been at the North Pole!" or you can cuss at it the way we do.

  8. And we have rain! I can't say it's cold like I think it should be at this time of , and in all this I'm trying to dry clothes.

  9. that is exactly what I have been thinking. During the very severe winter last year we were told it was an exception and winters like that would not become the norn. Last year the snow started after Christmas and lasted until half way through March. This year the snow came in November. Now I accept that cold hard winters are going to be the norm, starting in November and staying until March, thats 5 whole months of the year. It has forced me to think differently about how to cope with the weather, Now I intend to buy salt and bottled water every week with my shopping, I want a bigger freezer to store more vegetables or maybe even stock some tinned veg. Its hard taking on board that global warming, climate change is actually here and we must adapt to it.

  10. After an unusually cold winter in Florida last year (and I am sure everyone wept bitter tears for me), I began doing research. Global warming does mean more moisture in the air, that is for sure. It is less clear whether the fluctuations in the normally warming Gulf stream are permanent or not and whether this one is caused by global warming or something called the "Greenland Block", a high pressure cell sitting over the north Atlantic, causing the Gulf stream to go off course.

  11. that is why we in europe are getting so much snow water--it either rains or snows hope el ninjo goes away soon LOL

  12. I've been reading bit here and there too. One of the saddest things ( to me) is that my pond fish died again. I have one yellow goldfish sitting in a small tank in my kitchen and I hope he will survive. The others all froze. I was outside in sub zero temp yesterday at dusk breaking ice and trying to find any fish that may have survived. I feel so guilty because I put more fish in there after the last ones died last year. I bought more because every one said last winter was an exception. I won't be putting any more fish in the pond, its just too cruel, I'll let the one I have out for a few months in the summer but thats all.

  13. Loretta, my sister, who has a pond in her garden, always brought her fish and turtles in and put them in a tank in the winter. She put them all together because the turtles for some reason didn't eat the fish, which she'd bought in the first place for the turtles to eat.

  14. If I had the space I think thats what I would do, but the man in the pet shop kept telling me it would be ok. Its just that these last two winters have been so much colder than they were before. I put more fish in last summer because the severe winter was supposed to have been an exception, a one off !!

  15. Have just been on the NOAA site (National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration) looking at their long-range forecasts. It only covers the US, but there must be some equivalent for Europe. There was a lot of technical language over my head, but it is interesting how they make their forecasts. There is something called ENSO (Equatorial north/south oscillation??) which influences the Gulf stream which has a direct bearing on most of the northern hemisphere.

  16. well, I know the feeling - except in the photo-negative. Extended heat-wave period here: so dry, dusty. Hard to go outside the door it's so oppressively hot and one of my huge tomato plants is even curling up its leaves despite all the water I have to give it. I've got a bit grumpy, lost appetite and don't feel like doing much, and I've got tons of work on right now. As it is said, never rains but it pours: in your country too much snow, and in mine, too much heat. *dyin' here*
