Tuesday 25 January 2011

A sick idea?? or not??

Is this sick??, or maybe I'm sick for thinking its quite a good idea.
 ''Moves to warm a swimming pool with heat generated by an adjacent crematorium have sparked outrage.
Conservative-run Redditch Borough Council believes it would be an environmentally good use of energy and could save £14,000 a year at the Abbey Stadium pool''

It's... umm.... an 'unusual' idea, a very novel idea...........but in a weird sort of way I think its quite a good idea.

I like swimming, I think I would be quite happy for the very last of my energy to be used helping other swimmers.


  1. Not a sick idea, very sensible one. Might take a bit of getting used to though.

  2. For me, it is at best an unusual recycling idea. It does seem that there would be a less objectionable way to use that energy, not so much obvious to the 'recreating' public.

  3. exactly what I thought, I think its a brilliant piece of original thinking, but I suppose people will think its a bit macabre

  4. I think they chose the swimming pool because of its location and need for energy not specifically because it seemed like the best use of the energy, the swimming pool just happens to be opposite, like you said its....an 'unusual' choice

  5. Yeah, I read this on Yahoo UK news and it sounded a bit strange; but considering the state the Earth is in, we'd better start being more rational and less emotional.

  6. Thinks of morbid puns like sacrificing cold laps to get warm ones.

  7. I never thought of such a thing but why not?

  8. It's a great idea.
    Could be a nice little "urner" too.....

  9. ....of course the only objection has been raised by the Trade Union, What a surprise.

  10. I WAS suprised about that, I didn't expect them to object.

  11. It's Unison. They object to everything, however sensible or ridiculous it may be.

  12. they could grind me into dogfood after i'm gone for all i care


  13. thats weird...............I'm in Unison and ..what can I say... thats not my experience, but we do live at oposite ends of the country maybe that makes a difference. Of course if I were to be a suspicious sceptic, I would say the Union objected because it's a conservative council not because of the idea itself.

  14. It just reeks of that, doesn't it?
    Since the Conservative-led co-alition, it seems the Labour party have rolled out the Socialist Worker activists ant reverted to "Tories Out!" mentality of the 80s again, regardless of wether a proposal is a sensible one or not.

  15. I think the idea is dead good!!! LOL.

    Ok, joking aside, I do think this is innovative thinking. With the future of energy increasingly uncertain, off-beat ideas like this are going to gain more and more credibility. I don't object to it at all.

  16. knew this reminded me of something...............remember ''Soylent Green" film made in 1973 staring Charlton Heston....ugh no thanks, cheap energy I can live with but thats as far as it goes. :-)
    in case you don't remember

  17. i remember it well

    i just watched it again a month or so ago

