Sunday 30 January 2011

More from St Kilda and the Outer Hebrides

St Kilda and the Outer Hebrides

More film from St Kilda and the Outer Hebrides, this time as it is today not as it was 100 years ago. Maybe this is something I could plan for in my retirement. It wouldn’t exactly be a sunny retreat, but it would be a wonderful place to go.

I have no idea how these videos have posted full screen..?? but they play ok, just hope they don't distort any ones page.




  1. I am on low speed internet so they won't play. But I am saving this blog, and the last, on this magnificent island for dessert when we get to Florida.

  2. I watched ALL 53 minutes..... wonderful photography and video ... an amazing travel tour for me!

    the beauty is stark and breathtaking.... it is so very remote..... but I almost ache to want to see it for myself....

  3. really good thanks loretta love them

    when you want to make them smaller just look on the page and scroll down a little there is picture of how big or little

  4. i will have to catch these tomorrow

