Wednesday 26 January 2011

Selling England BY the pound ( FOR REAL!!!)

Selling England BY the pound ( FOR REAL!!!)

The Government is drawing up plans to sell off publicly owned forests in a move that could see private developers allowed to clear ancient trees to make way for holiday resorts, golf courses and adventure playgrounds.

The battle of Epping Forest

from the album

Selling England by the pound



  1. Disturbing for sure, but not a new idea in the US. They have sold off public lands since the days of Nixon. Some of our politicians have even proposed selling parts of National Parks, Preserves and Monument sites. Recently a part of a major Civil War battlefield (Manassas in Virginia) was sold to Walmart for a new store and parking lot/car park.

    Times are tough and money is tight and steps must be taken to reduce deficits. To me the first step should be for politicians and Governments to get priorities straight. The first priorities are appropriately the population at large and conserving our resources. It seems that both take a back seat to keeping the wealthy rich and happy.

  2. sad isn't it loretta--they did this in amrica lots of years ago and for a while the people complained but then they lost interest after all they said "they are only trees" sigh :(

  3. ONLY TREES??? ONLY!!.................idiot, stupid people who say this, how can trees be 'ONLY', they are the lungs of the earth, ...............I could go on , but whats the point.

  4. I know loretta that is how I feel :)

  5. I'm not yet sure if this proposal is intended for England only or if it would effect the whole of the UK. If it is intended to cover Scotland, think I'll have to protest in ernest

  6. The article keeps referring to Britain, not specifically England, so I guess Scotland will be included.

  7. If this is pushed through it will be a major disaster for conservation in this country. I hope that the rich philanthropists will be able to help in buying the forests if opposition to the sales are unsuccessful.

  8. You are so right. Trees are the largest plant life (well, some ferns can get rather large as welll) on the planet and are crucial to reducing excess CO2 in the atmosphere. They also are important to regulating weather. One reason for the increase tornado activity in regions of the earth that use to see few tornadoes is that a large amount of forests have been cleared for building. Ground covered in tarmac heats up and creates strong up-currents of air that fuel the formation of storms.

  9. That is a path that many conservation groups have taken. Since governments are corrupt and only think in terms of greed, then the quickest way to preserve forests is to buy them.
