Saturday 14 July 2012

A birthday, grandchildren staying and some music.

Tonight I have three grandchildren staying, their mothers are out celebrating the youngest birthday. My youngest daughter is 29 tomorrow, oh how old that makes me feel. Her cake has a picture of Bertha her horse on it. Before they went out I made cheese pasta with lashings of cheese and fresh basil with a side dish of potato salad made from freshly dug potatoes  served with fresh mint and chives.
I've just bedded the younger two and I'm sat here watching my all time favourite movie, 'Avatar' with my eldest grandson, he's almost 11. I couldn't decide on my music choice tonight and on a whim, I asked him. This, apparently, is the music of choice for my almost 11 yr old grandson. It seems to fit the mood of the moment.


  1. a lovely family celebration......and happy 29th to your youngest! ; )

  2. he has good taste ~ like grandma

    love the cake


  3. thanks Nemo...............I wasn't sure, but after a couple of listens...........guess its not bad, especially as he is only 11

  4. How fun! Love that cake! And great are a wonderful grandmother to post it!

  5. My oldest is twenty-eight this year. That still makes you feel old.
    I like the slow mo effects and the tune is catchy.

  6. Maybe I'm strange, but I rather like your grandson's taste in music. Lovely cake too.

  7. you're not strange, every one seems to like it.

  8. Omg, I'm only 34... do I feel old, young.. not sure. Must get your grandson into some more underground beats... lol

  9. Great cake is the horse pic edible?

    This could be the origin of the phrase 'I'm so hungry I could eat a horse' perhaps?

  10. Happy Birthday to your daughter!!

    Great choice of movie to watch with grandson, and I like his choice in music too!!

  11. yep the horse is edible, the woman who makes the cakes has a special cake printer, it prints photographs onto sheets of iceingh and uses edible ink. I took the photo, its Jackies horse Bertha

  12. A great picture of a fine looking horse, and one you can eat as well...a better cake than this is utterly inconceivable, Happy Birthday Jackie, hello Bertha, nice one Loretta :-)

  13. lol.............nope don't worry, tis not you who are too young, its just the rest of us getting older. :-))
