Sunday 15 July 2012

Art Sunday; Cake Art

Been a bit bust this weekend, had family staying, been out for a birthday meal and now I'm left with one grandchild who is staying for the rest of the week. School holidays must be a nightmare for parents, I didn't realise how much child care actually costs but to send two children to 'holiday club' while the parent works costs a minimum of £15.00 per child per day. That ads up to a huge chunk of wages, which is why I've ended up with one child for the week. This way at least my daughter only has to pay for one child to go to holiday club.

I've not even thought about Art Sunday until now, and all I can think of is 'cake'. But that's OK because these days cake making is quite an art form. This is the lady who makes the cakes for me. I used to work with her until her 'hobby' grew into a demanding business and she didn't have the time to go to work any more. She resigned and now spends her days creating cakes for special occasions.

these are just a few of the cakes she has made but there are literally hundreds more on her FB site.

She's not the only one out there specializing in novelty cakes;
This is a  gardener cake from

A Van Gogh cake from here

A sewing machine cake from here

A treasure chest cake from here

And.........couldn't miss this, the famous 'cake car' advert


  1. these are sooo cool

    they almost look too good to eat ~ almost


    my sis~in~law used to do decorated cakes


  2. they're just so clever...............I could never do that with only food colour and icing sugar, and to make it taste good too...........mmmm, very clever.

  3. you are right

    it is an art ~ not just in design but taste


  4. I agree cake decorating has become more art now--I watch shows on food network about cakes and it is amazing what they create--great choices here-thanks-
    enjoy your grandchild this week

  5. did you watch the video?? when I first saw that advert on TV I didn't realise they actually MADE that cake.............its no trick, the cake was real. I don't now if you have that advert in America??

  6. those are gorgeous! and of course, i LOVE the gardener's cake and the Van Gogh the best. ; )

  7. what a neat video to watch the bakers make this-no I have never seen this before-very neat!

  8. I have to agree, those two are my favourites

  9. Very creative and I'm pleased to hear that she has turned that talent into a lucrative business. Doing what one enjoys and earning a living from it is just wonderful.

    I'm hard pressed to choose a favorite. Though I must say that I am partial to the Van Gogh cake.

  10. my mom had a singer sewing machine that looked just like that


  11. I agree, she's a lucky lady, too many people either don't have jobs or are stuck in a boring dead end job with no satisfaction. To have a talent that you enjoy but also allows to to earn a living must be one of the best things in life.

  12. Hi Emma...............:-) thanks

  13. it's so unbelievable how creative people are!

  14. Some completely unbelievable - if not seen with my own eyes - cakes here. Somebody I have known all my adult life, during the mid 1970s was prosecuted for taking a bite out of a cake-art dice exhibited at the Ikon Gallery, Birmingham.
    The artist didn't want to press charges, she could see this was art too, but the gallery did so he ended up fined for criminal damage. Shame that:-)

  15. I loved the Van Gogh Stary Night cake especially....but, the sewing machine had me baffled Loretta.

  16. I don't remember cake art in the 70's...............I hope the cake hadn't been on exhibition too long or become stale cos a mouthful of stale cake's not worth a criminal record. :-)

  17. My thoughts exactly at the time, but the bite was an artistic act that abolished the distance between object and the observer and it also gives the concept of 'taste' a whole new meaning as I see it Loretta. He suffered for his art, the cake may well have been a bit on the stale side, but the point was made, cakes are made for eating. :-)

  18. There's some wonderful cakes there, some of them like the sewing machine and the treasure chest don't even look like cakes. I love the Van Gogh one.

  19. These look too good to eat!
