Friday 13 July 2012

Garden 2012 no 12

Garden 2012 no 12

Yesterday I said I intended to spend the day in the garden. It didn’t quite work out that way. The weather wasn’t good and I still had a bit of clearing away to do after the decorating.
When I did eventually get out there, every thing looked so overgrown I didn’t know quite where to start, and so instead of getting stuck in weeding, digging, tidying etc………..I decided it was time to have a bit of a harvest.

I’ve emptied out all three potato barrels, harvested the potatoes, mixed the compost with chicken manure pellets and then refilled the potato barrels ready for the next seed potatoes. I now have three trays of new potatoes drying out on my windowsill over night ready to be packed in paper bags and stored.

I harvested as many broad beans as I could see, what I didn’t eat tonight are packed away in the freezer. I also took some salad and spinach for use over the next day or so.

There is still one rhubarb pie left in the fridge made from the rhubarb I harvested last week. Todays rhubarb was cleaned, cut and packed away in the freezer.

And this is what I will be harvesting tomorrow, white currants………delicious and it looks as if I have a bit of a bumper crop this year.

A Question;
Does any one know if I can use some of the very tiny potatoes that I dug up today as seed potatoes for next time??


  1. GORGEOUS post! How lovely to have such healthy food growing right outside your door! I would love to grow potatoes on my patio. I have book on Container Gardening from the library. It is inspiring me to grow food in containers...

  2. You are amazing!!! And it is so early in the season. i am so proud of you. I have some tomatoes going and they have a long way...but we did get a lovely green pepper. :) Bumper crop!

  3. thanks :-)..............I like growing food but any one who thinks its cheaper to grow their own is mistaken, but its worth it, food you grow yourself always tastes better. I love growing radishes ( not shown here) Radishes were the only vegetable that I didn't like until I grew my own, and now I love eating them fresh from the garden and they are really easy to grow.

  4. Hi Sue :-)...........and thanks, I think out seasons may be a bit different, these are early potatoes I hope to plant some more now for later in the year. This is the first time I've grown beans and the Rhubarb grows like a weed. Once Rhubarb gets started you can take from it all season.

  5. what a fabulous harvest of veggies Loretta, I think the potatoes have to have an eye on them to grow as seed potatoes

  6. Quite a nice haul, err harvest. Also a nice variety of vegetables.

    I would recomend certified seed potatoes for a second planting, rather than waiting for the new pototes to be ready. Seed potatoes are disease free, and have been selected to give you the best results with the highest yields. They are ready to plant and will give faster results since they already have their "eyes". Each seed potato part should be approximately 1 1/2-2 inches square, and must contain at least 1 or 2 "eyes" or buds. The smaller potatoes may be planted whole. Your new potatoes will take awhile to develop eyes or buds. If I remember correctly it takes 2-4 months from planting to harvest, depending on the variety.

  7. That's an excellent crop you have there, Loretta!! It gives a real sense of satisfaction to producing your own vegetable crop. It's something I've done in the past, although where I live now it isn't possible.

  8. what an impressive crop...! WOW i need to try the potatos, too! your garden blogs always inspire me.....gosh that Rhubarb looks awesome, and so do the grapes!

  9. I knew Frank would come up with the answer to your question. I always have potatoes with eyes and usually lots of them!

  10. they look like grapes don't they? but they are white currants, just like blackcurrants but sweeter and white, they tend to fruit a bit earlier than the blackcurrants.

  11. yep I knew he would know................the potato barrels are all sorted ready for the next seed potaotes but it will have to wait now till I get the chance to go to the garden center.

  12. Just to let you know .................I made a tasty potato salad for the family this evening. I used the home grown potatoes, cooked with mint fresh from the garden and mixed with plenty of fresh chives. I had to use shop bought mayonnaise but I'm seriously thinking of making my own next time.

  13. i know you will enjoy all the tasty goodness! ; )
