Sunday 2 May 2010

Arbirlot, a tiny village.

Yesterday turned into a walking and taking photos day. It was not warm enough to sit and paint but not quite wet enough to force us indoors. We ended up at Arbirlot, a tiny village about 2 ½ miles West of Arbroath on the Elliot Water.

 The remains of an old Meal Mill can be seen here


and in places flowering wild garlic cover the ground like a carpet.

Along the banks wild primroses and violets are in bloom,

occasionally we even saw wood anemone.

There was a huge sloe tree overhanging the water

and several wild cherry trees

but I think my favourite must be the hundreds of water marigolds growing at the waters edge.
More information here


  More photos here



  1. A nice place for a walk. It's great to see all the green and the blossom after such a long bleak winter and early spring. I love the smell of wild garlic.

  2. wonderful wakl loretta thank you for sharing

  3. I love the cherry tree - warmer here then it has been. Amazing that some of the same flowers (violets) in places so far away.

  4. Lovely photos. I'm gong to see the rest.
