Sunday 16 May 2010

Art Sunday 1981 Photos of Manhattan

Manhattan, photographs from 1981 by Jay Maisel
I came across a 1981 copy of National Geographic with an article featuring Manhattan. It was written by John Putman and illustrated with the photographs of Jay Maisel. There is something about these photographs that appeals to me, they are snapshots in time, a tiny glimpse of a time so recent that most of us remember but so different it’s hardly recognisable, almost like a different world. I apologise for the poor quality of these images, I didn’t want to tear up the book and so many of them have been scanned across two pages.
1 & 2 are in fact one image spread across three pages and it's called Fires of evening
3. a cigar smoking cabbie.
4. two wall streeters using reflectors to ensure tans.
5. 'The ins and the outs'; a labyrinth of neighbourhoods home for countless immigrants.
6. A pinball ride; beneath the streets.
7. Fifth Avenus fills to the walls for Pope John Paul !!'s visit to St Pattricks Cathedral
8. Street Art; last summers beer cans and popsicle sticks in heat softened asphalt.
9. Living cast offs; one such derelict awakens to a cold morning.
10. Wealth and Genuis; Solomon R Guggenheim Modern Art Museum designed by Frank lloyd Wright.
11. A building dies; the second death of a crumbeling street in a slum.
12. this is named ''Twin Monarchs''.....................................
13. A transit strike in 1980 clogged arterial avenues
14. Humbug, fakers sometimes collect for their own personal Christmas funds.
15. fantasy rides high; thanksgiving helium-filled cartoon characters float in macy's Parade.
16. Roller skates are in, so are radio headsets.
17. Morning light; a storefront in the bowery


  1. These were a terrific document of NY in the 80's. Having been in NY recently, and for the very first time, I guess I expected it to look like this (sans the Monarchs, of course), because I grew up on TV shows based in NY in the 70s and 80's and had the images of the city of that time etched in my mind. But NY is such an incredible place I wasn't disappointed. I want to go back and photograph it more. Now I've done a lot of the 'tourist' parts, I want to photograph the 'real' NY.

  2. nyc is humanity condensed


  3. View as a slideshow: fabulous. I know all these places and faces. The subway is the number 4 train, Woddlawn/Jerome Ave to the Bronx.

    There is no place like this city.

    When you see the twin tower you realize the enormity of the structures and how incredible 9/11 was. imagin, people flying out of those buildings. O God!

    Thanks for calling me over.

  4. Mitchy, I am glad you were here and yes you must come again and see the real NY. Each borough had a different flavor. My book will hopefully be out in a few months; urban poetry from the New York I knew in the fifties and on.

  5. Love them really captures the feel of the city. Thanks for a nice trio of great art.

  6. YW...........I thought of you as soon as I saw them
