Saturday 22 May 2010

Capitalism; a love story

OMG………………I’ve just watched
‘’Capitalism; a love story’’

I’m pretty sure he’s not every ones cup of tea but….
At last I’ve found my first American hero. second American hero. I've never heard this before either.



  1. His wife Eleanor (Roosevelt) was fairly heroic herself. We do have our heroes, unfortunately they are not widely revered by the majority of Americans.

  2. Interesting...

    As best I understand it, capitalism is self-distructive,,, unless resouces are unlimited and/or a positive means of control and regulation are in place, constantly.

    The US, if not all of the free-world, simply lost most-if-not-all control.

    Our history since WW2 is the witness of this failure.


  3. Conservatives politicians hate Moore, as do their supporters. That makes him okay in my book.

  4. Frank.............after watching the film... I can honestly say I understand why they hate him.

  5. i will read a little about her thanks Bennett.............

  6. My god, I've fallen into a nest of socialists!! Socialists, I tell you!!!!!!


  8. I'm sure you're right, but there is one hell of a difference between trading a few beads and what goes on today. And even if there wasn't, don't you think its kinda sad that as a society we haven't grown in compassion and humanity enough to WANT to move away from the 'dog eat dog' type of world our cave dwelling ancestors lived in? Have you SEEN this film??? I have never in my life seen any thing that shows the faults and social injustices in capitalism as well as this does. And every single shot in this film is TRUE, every thing is taken from real life situations. I don't know how any one can watch this and remained convinced that capitalism is the only system possible.

  9. we often joke about this...............but in reality i think the vast majority of Americans don't know what socialism is, except that it is the biggest political insult you can throw at any one and the root of all evil.

  10. sure things got carried away--but if you look at history and draw a line things go up and then things go down--we humans go to far then we back track but then the correction is way to sever--like now--we need a more medium line--but us humans aren't made that way at least not all of us--
    humans are very egotistical all humans each group in his way----
    I like Moore but on the other hand he rails against capitalism but it gives him the money to keep doing what he is doing--one thing is we all should speak out more we do you and I and a few others but to many are sheep--

  11. With all of the systems we have invented, tried, it is not the basic system that is at fault, but what we make of it. The real problems are with human nature. That we could change, if we try.

    The very basics of capitalism where people who have a bit of money contribute to help a business they believe in are good, in my opinion. Even a royalty could be good if the king and his ministers were at the service of the people, good and honest.

    The problem is not so much which system, but what we do with it.

  12. I'm with you here Heidi...............don't think there are many around who would call US sheep :-)

  13. That is very true. If you ever read the fundamental principals of communism, they SOUND wonderful. But just look how twisted man made it. And now the mere mention of the term brings images of the worst excesses of the Soviet years and China also.

  14. isn't that the truth have a good sunday :)

  15. Capitalism can work to build wealth. The problem is unbridled, unregulated capitalism. Socialism can work to build to build communities and ensure that all are able to live. Here in the US we were taught, or at least I was, in social studies classes, that socialism meant totalitarianism. That hard-working people would be robbed of their livelihoods to support lazy freeloaders.

    Anyone who wants more education about the feelings in the US right-wing about socialism and what some Americans think it is, should join a group called Robust Debate. Keep your head down, bring your flack jacket and you should be ok.

  16. Your "conservatives" or Tories in the UK are to the left of our Left Democrats/liberals here in the US.

  17. over here in germany our present chancler is from the conservative party --but we have power sharing so it is a lot different than america--seldom does one party get the majority so they must build a coalition--actually a good system

  18. I agree..............exactly what i said during all the negative press about our recently formed coalition. I think its the way forward. politics of cooperation not conflict. There is good in all systems and there is bad in all systems..............all we have to do is find it.

  19. without wishing to sound.... ummm 'sarcastic'?...........most (all) western politics are to the left of American politics. America does not seem to realise how politically isolated she is becoming within the western world.

  20. yep heard that argument soooo very often around here.............only suprise here is that so many people are dumb enough to be taken in by it.

  21. without wishing to sound.... ummm 'sarcastic'?...........most (all) western politics are to the left of American politics. America does not seem to realise how politically isolated she is becoming within the western world.

  22. You are absolutely correct.

    Americans (a big number of them) realize how isolated we are and very sadly they just do not care. It's more than they don't care, they are glad. They have been raised to believe the US is the BEST, FREE-EST country on the earth, and they don't want any part of "European-style failed [their words] socialistic policies". They do not want to cooperate with the world, they do not want to cooperate with their own government. And they are growing. I may come live in Scotland. Seriously, I have thought of moving away, except I hate to let them win.

  23. Bennett I would welcome you here.............but if someone did that to my country I'd stay and fight them.

  24. That's the plan for now. I have been invited to leave many a time and I say this is my country too.
