Saturday 28 August 2010

Feeling a little blue

I've just found out another of my daughters is about to move away. This is the daughter with the two children I have spent most of the summer with. It all seems to be happening very quickly, she plans to actually leave next weekend. I know its for the best for her and the children but ................I will miss them. I took this picture one day while I was on the  the beach with the children




  1. Yes, I am sure it is best for her and the children, but it is another loss for you. And you spent so much time with them, especially the kids this summer. I am sure in their minds it will be the enchanted summer at Grandma's house on the sea. At least most of it. ~~sigh~~ I'm so very sorry.

  2. I hope it isn't TOO far away.

  3. no not TOO far, but far enough. I can't really visit for the day, it takes about 3 + hours on the train depending on connections. But its not the other side of the world, a few hundred miles, near enough to visit for the weekend

  4. I'm so sorry Loretta. ((hugs)) But, I'm sure they will miss you enough to come visit you as often as they can too. 3 hours on the train doesn't sound so bad either, does it? You'll have something to look forward to on the weekends now.
    Pretty photo of beach rocks. The one in the center looks like a heart.

  5. big hugs for you Loretta, sorry about this, but at least a train ride away for the weekend is possible-love your beautiful backbground-pretty flowers

  6. Visiting won't be the same, but at least you both have that option. I betcha a cookie your grandchildren will be begging to see you as often as they can!
    Both the photographs are beautiful, but I love the rocks best. I once packed my suitcase with river bed rocks on my flight back from Arizona.
    I also saved the rock the guys used to to bust my window to break into my den! Hee hee.

    You probably like the one of the beach best because of the memories. You can go there again!
    Sorry you're feeling blue.......

  7. Think of the fun summer visits and the holidays, time does seem to move quickly between visits.

  8. sorry to hear.... it will be an adjustment for everyone..... guess it was a very wonderful thing that you did have so much time for the grands this summer.... you made good memories.... and you'll just see them less often but you can also connect by computer..

  9. Sorry to hear about this Loretta, but at least they'll still be close enough for visits.

  10. That is sad. Wishing them a lot of luck, Hugs

  11. I am sorry you are feeling sad Loretta. I am wishing a happy surprise for you.
