Friday 13 August 2010

OK.............get ready for me need of a little TLC here:-) School starts Monday which means I'm back to work, don't feel as if I've had a summer, we had a few nice days inbetween the rain and we've had days where as soon as you get every thing out in the garden the rain comes in fast and furious and spoils every thing. My tomatoes were a disaster, my garden is looking overgrown and neglected, and much as I adore my grandchildren, they seem to have spent more here that at their mothers house. I feel in need of a good holiday and a rest and what do I have.............back to work on Monday :-( So... the sun is out, I'm off to the garden before the rain comes back, wish me luck cos I think I see a black cloud heading my way.


  1. Ah too bad school is starting. I would moan too. Good luck with your gardening.

  2. Look on the bright side, if it has been raining and the weeds will be easy to pull out. lol
    And didn't you just return from a holiday in Scotland? ~giggles~
    I'm just kidding you! It is sad that you will be returning to work soon. (((HUGS)))

  3. gotta try to get some quality time in there, just for *you*, Loretta. if it is any consolation, our tomatos have been a disaster this year, too; the heat and humidity have been just horrible! get yourself a nice glass (a large one, i'd say) of your favorite wine, your favorite snacks and put your favorite weepy dvd in.....and just sit and have yourself a good cry. sometimes that is the most healing thing we can do for ourselves. *hands Loretta a big box of tissues* HUGS

  4. oh I thought you were going to wander around the world! sorry the summer has been such a bust..... on the opposite side, it's been frightfully hot here all summer.... too hot to be outside past 12 noon and too bright to take pictures..... and the soil in this state produces lousy cantaloupes melons and tomatoes..... hope you get some time off just for you..... or at least start to claim the weekends as your own.......

  5. This has been a bust of a summer in many places, horrible weather and bad crops seem to be the norm this year.

  6. I well remember those days before school starts. I always hated them and you have my profound sympathy. I would get myself a treat or two - a guilty pleasure book and an edible treat - to make the days enjoyable. Or tolerable.

  7. I know what it's like to have a lot on your mind, and that the garden and it's upkeep and work is also important. It's one's habitat and all that needs to be peaceful and orderly. What I think is that when these trying times come, one needs to focus on maintaining energy, so to get plenty of good sleep, and maybe some vitamins. Also, what I do is make a list of tasks on my fridge whiteboard and mark them off as I do them. Little by little it all gets done.

    Darn about the tomatoes.

  8. Sorry you had such a lousy summer. Let's hope you at least get good weather at the weekends.

  9. It's really been one of those summers Lorretta half of mine was out east which to was great and then the rest has been here and the weather just is ...........lousey. But there there are something that do come by surprise note this August has 5 Sundays, 5 Mondays, 5 Tuesdays, all in one month. It happens once in 823 years. Hopefully the later half of this month shall be much different.

    We have had the worst weather and right now again it's pouring and I have stated this before but here we look forward to as much summer as we can get as then comes......(not going to say it)....

    Big hugs there to ya!

  10. Thank you people..................for al your much needed and appreciated TLC. Happy to report the rain stayed away today and I managed to do some work in the garden, feeling much better now :-)

  11. so glad, hun. those bluesy days ain't pretty, but they do seem to be necessary for a bit of balance. ; D
