Monday 2 August 2010

Jacky and Abby or; My daughter and her horse.

Back from my daughters a couple of hours ago and this has to be the first thing I share with all of you. I think I’ve had an ‘Epiphany’. Animal lover though I am I’ve always been a little nervous around horses. Jacky, my daughter, has loved them with a passion from a very young age and, finance permitting, I was more than happy to indulge her passion ( from a distance).
This is Abby, the first horse she has owned outright and….. I am totally smitten. She is one big, beautiful beast. She stands 17 hands (which apparently to those in the know, is pretty dam big). My daughter is only 5 ft 3 ½, (the half inch is very important to her, and I’m not allowed to omit it). Abby is really too big for Jacky, in fact to my un-equine eye, Abby looks too big for any one never mind a slight, 5ft3 ½ inch girl, sorry, I mean woman, but as you see, the two of them seem quite happy together. I have totally revised my opinion of horses in general and can’t wait to see Abby again.
Some of these photos are not that good. That's because I've never been close enough to a horse to photograph it before, never mind actually take the photos, pluse I'm still getting used to a brand new camera. Some of the photos are Ok and it was fun taking them.


  1. Very nice picture one is coming in and the other is still out there....these are really very nice shots and there is nothing like horses.

  2. thanks, I know virtually nothing about horses but my daughter says she is a really good horse, she is a bay mare and stands 17 hands. Cant remember exactly what breed Jacky said she is.

  3. My cousin raises and breed Clydesdales but what you have here is a story. The truly are really fantastic.
    I honestly mean that somewhere within my blog I have my cousins Clydesdales and there is nothing like living that lifestyle. This was truly worth looking and viewing. You have a nice place as well as two fine horses to say the least....

  4. cool

    like you i was nervous around horses
    but a few years back honeybee got me to go horseback riding
    it was fun


  5. Thanks, this is my daughters horse and I've just come back from visiting her, this is the first time i've seen her horse, she's not had Abby for very long. The other horse is just one of the other horses in the field at the yard where jacky stables her horse.

  6. I see never the less they are magnificent.

  7. Hi Nemo nice to see you, we were worried :-), glad its only your computer that had the problem not you!
    Yep, this is one beautiful horse, but I was only there a couple of days so riding not really an option.

  8. they have a personality all their own


  9. This is so sweet.
    A friend & I used to go to a ranch that boarded horses, & there was this absolutely adorable 'little' guy with a huge flowing mane. The larger horses tried to pick on him, but he had a very large buddy who protected him. We brought carrots & sugar cubes, (your daughter feeding Abby made me think of it), & so wanted to buy him! I named him Rivendel, hee hee.

  10. What a sweet face Jacky has! If I were still painting, I'd love to paint her.

  11. This one is sweet, too. A beautiful horse, a lovely daughter & oh...the countryside!

  12. WOW. A terrific photograph of a beautiful horse. It looks like it should be on a calendar or in a magazine or something!

  13. lol... thanks... but Jacky is the daughter, not the horse :-)

  14. There are some very good pictures here Loretta. I really like horses, I don't know a lot about them, but they certainly are magnificent animals.

  15. Thank you Loretta as these are great pictures to say the least!

  16. What kind of horse is Abby? She is very beautiful. I had an entertaining evening with four horses way back when I was about fourteen. My sister and I were invited to a friend farm. The horses were hilarious. One of the horses liked to get belly rubs and it trapped my sister against the fence because she didn't rub fast enough.
    Another horse hip butted Ingy into some hay. I will never forget it.

  17. Jacky has one grand horse! She sure looks happy with Abby. And the little boy, who is he?

  18. Your photos are pretty good. I would like to take lessons. I am not very good at going fast on a horse. A camel is a lot easier. All you need to do is be prepared to go fast and sway forward and backwards. Camels are very relaxing. Once I had the opportunity to gallop on a horse and I was a dismal failure. I was quite saddle sore by the end of the ride.

  19. The boy is Blair,Jackys little boy, my grandson he is 5

  20. The horse looks like a thoroughbred cross, not sure with what... and 17 hands is a fabulous size, I too am short and the bigger horses are a more comfortable ride for anyone, so Jacky will be fine, as you can see!! I am envious, I used to have a horse, I now share my friends'!

  21. Hi Emma, glad you like the horse, like I Epiphany moment for me.............I'm totally smitten with her. I think the thing that really made me understand what wonderful creatures they are is that Blair, who is only 5, is so at ease with her. He walks under her and hangs on to her legs while she feeds, he even sits on the ground next to the bucket while she eats. Jacky said Abby is an 'Irish.... something''.............can't remember exactly irish what. But she did say lots of horses are 'called' this Irish breed but are actually crosses, but apparently Abby really IS this particular breed. Just can't remember what it was called.
    Oh dear its at this point that Jacky would be telling me to shut up around her horse friends for fear of embarrassing her :-)

  22. Ah, yes, the names are coming back to me now, I'll remember later I am sure, yes, I have always connected with horses, so pleased you have now too!! They are fabulous creatures, and even those who have been abused can be taught how to trust again. My friend recently bought a mare who had been severely neglected, ribs sticking out etc. Three weeks of triple feeds and lots of TLC later... she walks up to field to feed her again, and she only trots out from behind the stable with a foal!!!! She had been SO thin none of us had realised she was pregnant, and there had been no movements etc... a healthy little colt is now happy with his mum and my friend has two for the price of one ;)
    Despite her neglect, the mare is the most gentle and trusting creature... as if she knows she has landed herself a good home :) Just like Abby knows this with your daughter...............

  23. oh how lovely, did you notice in the other set of photos the really pregnant one in the same field as Abby? Her name is dolly and she is going to have her foal any day, I really wanted it to be when I was there but when I left she still hadn't had it.

  24. beautiful....great old is she?...very roman nose..not a lot of arab in her[arabs have turned up noses.. thoroughbreds have some arab crossed with bigger horses....this is probably a hunter cross...see little sign of cob in her...but i'm no expert.

    Clydesdale's are cart horses[dray n plough] heavy work horses

  25. Hi Diana, she is 15 and I've remembered her breed, she is a Irish sports horse, or ISH. Jackie said many people claim to have one of these because all sorts of cross breeds are often referred to as ISH, but apparently this is the real thing....:-)
    Yep, that's it, I remembered, ISP 17 hands and age 15. Not youngster but has plenty of life left in her yet. In fact when i was there she was getting a bit too frisky, Jackie has been feeding her high protein good quality mix with extras to build her up a bit but now she thinks she may have to cut back because Abby is wanting to go and go and go and go, without even breaking a sweat..............

  26. LOl.................I had these posted on FB, my FB is mostly my family, sisters cousins daughters.. that sort of thing. I've had to take half of them down because they didn't pass the Jackie scrutiny test..........she doesn't know I've got them here too :-)

  27. i thought Jacky looked great...but i know i am as picky when shots of me are put up on facebook...or was it the one when she had lost her stirrups lol

  28. that one plus several others, she was putting them on, not really started riding when I took that one, also the one where her foot is out of the stirrups and a couple where she says she is fat

  29. she will be glad of thinner photos when she gets old like us lol

  30. sometimes it is that tall horses give a very, very smooth ride at all gaits. She looks comfortable up there.
