Friday 8 July 2011

Baking with my Grandson

He's still here, he was supposed to be here Monday to  Friday, but he came last Saturday and has decided to stay on over the weekend and go back Monday. I spent the day baking, he was supposed to help, and he did to start with, but then the sun came out and off he went. We made bread, cake, oat cookies, ice cream and yogurts...............good days work I think. And now he's off across the road buying a treat, we are going to have shop bought fish and chips for tea, not something I would usually do but I guess there's no harm in a treat once in a while.


  1. wow!

    and i was puffed up about no bake cookies with my grandson


  2. it all looks yummy to me! you both did very well. i do miss real English fish and chips. i've tried a few so-called 'english style' made here in the states. they do not even come close! enjoy!

  3. Wonderful memories for a little boy!! How nice for both of you.

  4. lol ~ that picture just reminds me of bilbo's pantry


  5. Wow, that is nice that your grandson wanted to come to your place. How old is your grandson?
    I am a grandmother too. I have a three year old grandson.
    We are getting to have him this Saturday. I am looking forward to it especially because we haven't seen him in a long time.
    In my mind there is nothing wrong with spoiling your grandson once and awhile. That is what grandparents are supposed to do.

  6. Yummy! I'm glad your grandson is enjoying his visit. Oh, and I love fish and chips too!

  7. as in Baggins?? yeah..........sort of see what you mean, especially with the red gingham tablecloth, it could be some tiny corner of Bag-End :-)
    Aww thanks, I'll never look at my kitchen in the same way now...........

  8. He is 9, 10 in September, and he does seem to like staying with his granny, we have had a good week.

  9. just watch out for old guys in pointy hats

    i hear they cause all sorts of "adventures"


  10. How nice for you. Noah loves being here with his Gramma,Grampa, his Uncle and dad.
    We have a wonderful time.
    He is such a joy in our lives.

  11. A treat from the 'chippie' sounds about right with some cake and home made ice cream or yogurt for desesrt, (pudding)

  12. Fish and chips sounds good and looks like you were busy!

  13. ohhhhhhhhhh fish and chips sounded such a good he's just thrown up every where!!..oh dear, this is a part of child care I had forgotton about :-((

  14. indeed................he's asleep now, I thought he would feel better once he had actually been sick. He's in his bed looking very sorry for himself, bowl to one side, water and tissues to the other and a furry covered hot water bottle clutched to his tummy. I just hope its a one off and he sleeps through the night cos its a very long time since I've had children waking me up in the night and I'm afraid to go to bed in case I don't hear him.

  15. bless his heart, i sure hope he will feel better soon. XO

  16. ahhhh!

    sending good thoughts your way


  17. thanks Deb, I hope so too, he just woke up again and was a little bit sick but he just brought back water, I think he will be ok now but think I'll sit here a while longer just to make sure. Now I'm worrid that it was something I fed him.....guess thats kids for you, they get sick quite easy

  18. ginger tea, or soda......peppermint or chamomille tea, though i am sure you know this by now.

  19. I did think of making mint tea. i have fresh mint from the garden, but if he goes to sleep I don't want to wake him...........just see how it goes now i suppose.

  20. yup, best to just let him sleep, while he can sleep. poor lad, and poor grandma, up worrying about him.

  21. it was always tea and toast when we got sick

    i feel for you

    i always got the "throw up" kid duty

    there is really not much you can do but try to make them comfortable

    hopefully now that he has it up he will feel better

  22. it is a 9 year old boy

    they eat bugs

    just saying i wouldn't fret too much about that

    just watch what he eats tomorrow

  23. last time he woke up he said.............I don't want any thing to eat tomorrow granny .........

  24. i second tea and toast for beakfast

    getting a little something in the stomach helps to set things right

    ginger ale helps to ~ just shake it up first to get most of the bubble out


  25. yup, take the fizz out of the ginger ale.

  26. How fun, hoping he feels better now. My own grandson is 5, I am hoping when he is as old as yours we can take roadtrips together...

  27. i always take coca cola syrup

    funny ~ i don't like the soda
    but think the syrup is tasty


  28. that stuff reminds me of my pregnancy sugar test

  29. oops ~ sorry i brought it up


  30. I don't think we get coca cola syrup, but I have to admit.............I think it sounds awful, but I don't like cola anyway.
    He has been asleep now for almost an hour, thinking I could risk going to bed soon....

  31. i don't like the soda - the syrup is different - it does help calm the stomach

    but if he stays asleep that is the best


    good night

    i hope everything is ok now

  32. Hope he is better and that it wasn't the fish. Also hope you both sleep well. Kitchen crafts are such fun with kids!

  33. All those baked items look delicious!! I love the smell of baking bread.

    Sorry to hear he was sick. I'd been thinking that fish & chips sounded like a good idea, haven't had any in a while. Hope he's feeling better today.

  34. thanks Mitch, yes all is well today, we are only just getting up, we slept late because it was such a disturbed night. He seems better but I think we'll have a pretty easy day today. Guess it was just one of those 'kid' things, no real reason quite bad at the time but short lived.

  35. LOL all that 'home cookin' and you bought take-away. You must have baked yourselves out!
