Saturday 16 July 2011

have had the headache from hell, unable to sleep, stayed awake gazing out of the window and playing around here. Now its tomorrow already and I have to try to head hurts.


  1. so sorry loretta I get those to so hugs and hope it goes away soon

  2. When I have a really bad migraine I like to ice my head. Deep freeze works great! Feel better soon.

  3. Have you been overdoing it a bit? When there's a lot of stuff to do, I want to get going on it all, but I've found out from hard experience I have to pace myself.

    I get migraine too. When it's really bad I lie in a dark room with a frozen wheat pack on my sinus area. It helps for a while. And sleep helps.

  4. Here is hoping you are snuggly in your bed and comfy. No headache is my whispered chant.

  5. I had a bad headache too recently. Have you tried Advil? It works really well but you have to eat with it. My doctor said he didn't care what I ate as long as I ate.
    I think Advil is absorbed through the stomach and works better if you have something else in their to digest.
    If I let a headache get to bad I throw up so I have to be very careful.
    I hope you feel better soon.

  6. When I have a headache, I know it is time to drink rosemary herbal tea. It helps clean the liver and many headaches are liver induced.
    I hope you were able to sleep, that you are asleep NOW.

  7. It could be caused by dehydration babes - try drinking a litre of water :o)


  8. good morning ( afternoon) ladies...............yes Agnes, it was the painting, I hate it but its a job that has to be done every couple of years. I did manage to get a few hours sleep and feel a bit better now thanks. Didn.t get to sleep till after 4 but its midday now so I guess I had a few hours. Problem is... I now have to go out, inspect the gate and see if I need to paint it all over again UGH....
    Rosemary tea??.............thank you, I didn't know that. i have two huge rosemary bushes in the garden, Rosemary is the herb I have most of.........this time I will try some before starting the painting, maybe it will give me some sort of protection.

  9. I was going to suggest it may be the painting, but I see you have already said that it is. Glad you're feeling a little better. I have some painiting to do as well, indoors, so I'll be having all the windows open.

  10. Hope you're feeling better now.

  11. oh poor baby! those Migraines are just awful. hoping you'll soon be feeling better.

  12. I hope it has lifted and that you will rest well tonight.

  13. Headaches are no fun. I get nauseous if I let one linger on very long. My doctor prescribed a mixture of ibuprofen and acetaminophen. It works wonders
