Saturday 9 July 2011

Garden 2011 no 11

This bizarre weather pattern has its advantages, we’ve had torrential rain followed by periods of tropical heat, maybe we are moving toward tropical rain forest climate…….. but, the garden’s looking good on it.
Out of no where, I have bright purple wild geraniums, they must have self seeded. I didn’t notice them before because they blend in so well with what was already there, but I’m certain they weren’t there a couple of days ago and I know I didn’t plant them, so they must be self seeded.

At last some of my strawberries are beginning to ripen, I’ve had to wait a while longer than some people because mine are all outdoors. The green house ones always ripen earlier but mine should have a good strong taste. I never get very many at once so what I tend to do is pick and freeze, then once I have enough I can use them.

My pond is looking more and more like a wild life pond every day. I am resisting the temptation to take water out and put in fresh water in an attempt to get rid of the green water because every one tells me wild life ponds need to be left alone. Also, tap water actually encourages green water because it has something in it that algae feed off. The wild life doesn’t mind green water and the algae gives them all something to eat. I thought my tadpoles had died but now I’m beginning to see them more often. Some were like tiny frogs, they lost their tails and grew little legs but I never see them now. I hope they hopped away and are safe. The only ones I do see are the giant tadpoles that get bigger and bigger without growing legs. They have started to hang around the top of the pond sunbathing. If you wonder what that strange thing in the corner of the pond is, it’s a mini bale of barley straw, apparently a natural way to help combat green water in ponds.

My little pond doubles as a de-lux bird bath, guess this could be where some of my tadpoles have disappeared too. The birds tend to use the same end that the tadpoles sunbath in. I thought it was because of the little fountain there, but I suppose it could also be because the birds can get a tasty snack while stopping off for a drink and quick splash.
And that brings me on the Fence……………..its FINISHED !!!

It took a while but its finished at last. My daughter came round on Monday and we had a couple of really good days at the start of the week. While she was here we dig the holes, mixed the cement, put the last panel in and then topped up all the post holes with as much cement as we could. It all dried over night and the following day my grandson helped me to paint the bottom of the fence.

The idea was to paint from where the cement finished to above where the soil was going. The following day, when the fence paint was dry, I spent the day shovelling top soil back into place and planting the huge bag of bulbs I salvaged from my other daughters garden a while back. Since then it has rained heavily, which is OK in that every thing is well watered in, but it also washed away some of the top soil and exposed the bulbs so now I guess I’ll have to go get compost and make sure every thing is covered and safe. BUT………….the main thing is my fence is finished, all I have to do is make sure it all gets painted before the winter really sets in.



  1. I'm glad your fence is finally planted. Your garden looks lovely. I wonder what some places like restaurants put in their ponds to make them so clear. I remember seeing one with lots of goldfish. One of my sisters has one with a nice strong pump, but it's green too. Her turtles enjoy it in the summer.

  2. I hope you get to taste a strawberry or two before they are frozen. There is nothing like fresh strawberries.

  3. lookin' mighty fine, my dear! sounds like you are well on your way to get things balanced, with garden, humans and wildlife. my gardener's hat is off to you, good job! ; D

  4. Your garden has really shaped up! You must feel so comforted in that space...and have a feeling of accomplishment. Love how it has been a real family effort...well done, Crew!

  5. And how fun to have a pond! I like the look of it.

  6. I love your pond. My sister's neighbor has a pond and he showed it to Ingrid. She was very envious I will let you know.
    But, she at least reaps the benefits from the sound of running water. Oh, so tranquil.

  7. Lovely pics babes :o)

    Your garden is in such better shape than mine! Our three months of drought did for mine - nothing is flourishing here except weeds :o( My strawbs have come to nought, my veggies are eaten to death, *sigh!* its never easy being a gardener!



    (oh and yes, that is a VERY cool fence :o)

  8. The fence is really looking good. I know that had to be a lot of work.

  9. The garden is looking great. Glad you finally got the chance to finish off the fence.

  10. Great job on the fence. Really nice photo log here and journal update on your garden. Well done, L.

  11. It's all looking just lovely and healthy ~ well done !
