Saturday 16 July 2011

Garden 2011, no 12

Garden 2011 no 12

Baby birds, the water butt
and paintings fences.

This little chap is a young thrush,
He seems to be living in my garden. I don’t think he can fly properly and I find myself getting very concerned for his safety. He isn’t afraid of me and allows me to get quite close before hopping away, which is lovely for me but terribly dangerous for him. I'm afraid in case he is exposed and a neighbourhood cat passes by.

Or in case one of the seagulls takes a liking to him. He has been hanging around the garden for a couple of days and still shows no sign of flying away.

 I know the life of young fledglings hangs in the balance, only a fraction of the eggs lay ever grow into mature birds.

Knowing something intellectually doesn’t always tally with what you feel emotionally. I hope he’s Ok ……………….

This is my water butt.

I’ve had it stored in my shed since last year. The problem is/was…………..I have no downpipe in my small garden to attach it too. I have spent hours thinking of ways around this problem. I considered leaving the top off and collecting water as it fell. I didn’t go for that idea because it would fill with mosquito larvae in the summer. I thought of ways to bring a downpipe to the water butt or ways to take the water butt to a downpipe………..but none of them were workable solutions.
And then I thought of this. I upturned the lid, drilled a hole in the middle and secured the whole thing with garden string.

The upturned lid now serves as a ‘funnel’ to catch the rain water and feed it into the butt. I considered using a sealer and fixing the lid permanently, but then I thought about what could happen in the winter when the water freezes, expands and splits the water butt wide open.

So, here is my modified water butt, ready to collect rainwater from my garden, lid secured to the butt, butt secured to the wall, all  with bits of string and ingenious design.

The last couple of days have been spent painting.

I finished all the fences, all the edging and both bird houses, all painted with a fresh coat of blue timber protection paint.

I finished the  last of the edging yesterday but to my horror, when I got up this morning I saw  it has been raining over night and quite a lot of the blue paint  had streaked. The weather seemed settled this afternoon and I decided to press on and gloss paint the iron gates. I figured I could touch up the wooden edging at a later date.

I hate gloss painting, as soon as I open the tin I get the headache from hell (even in the open air), I get covered in blue gooey sticky smelly mess and even manage to walk paint through the house. But it has to be done so there I sat, getting bluer and stickier by the second until the last rail on the gate was finished. I heaved a sigh of relief and started clearing the paint away…………..and right on queue the heavens opened and we had another downpour. The thing that really upsets me is the thought of having to do it all again. I will have to wait and see how bad it looks in the morning, if it’s stopped raining by then.


  1. Good luck with the painting! That little thrush is really something and I wish him well!

  2. Great going with your rain collecting solution as well!

  3. *saying a prayer for Little Thrush*

    Perhaps your blue pain will take on a French Country look? In any case, I am sorry to hear of the headaches it causes you. It does look very pretty.

  4. Things are looking very beautiful despite the rain ~ you chose a glorious blue !

  5. What a lovely colour you selected! How is the little bird? Maybe it was not ready to fly and the parents go on feeding it. If you see the little critter again, you can try to catch it with a towel and help its learning to fly. When I was a kid, I was a big busybody, putting back in the nest baby birds who were supposed to learn to fly. As soon as back in the nest, they were jumping overboard again ;-D they learnt in one or two hours what usually takes 3 days. Propelled by fear or weariness.

  6. Awww, I hope that lil Thrush is ok. Seems like he/she was out of the nest too soon, maybe.

    Good thinking with the water collection!! That should work a treat. Isn't it satifying when you come up with an improvisation that works? :-))

    I can understand why you got that headache now. I have the same reaction to gloss paints. Emulsions and wood treatment paints are ok, but gloss sets me off straight away. The bad thing is I've got a large amout of glossing to do in my living room. I keep putting it off, but it has to be dione.

  7. Now I see the reason for your blue posts yesterday. Too bad about the rain though. Wouldn't it be nice if you could send some of it to Africa? Hope the little birdie finds his wings soon too.

  8. aaaw, blessings of protection to your winged little friend. wonder if you might be able to come up with a bit of a weather protection for him? i know, i am hovering, LOL.

    i am so happy to see the blue fence back again. ; D

  9. that is just so cool what all you have come up with


  10. So very true and certainly a frequent dilemma for me.

  11. It looks good in your photos.

  12. oh me too Frank, me too........

  13. The gate looks marvelous as does the fence. I am glad you kept that color blue. As for the bird, perhaps something surprising will happen and he will survive and learn to fly.
