Saturday 9 July 2011

Song Saturday; two songs to remind us how lucky we are.

Above, Boys on a Tree, 2006
Jennifer Scott, Scottish Artist

Two songs to remind us of how lucky we are and that others are not always so lucky,we need to appreciate what we have.
On of my favourite quotes come from this song.
‘’life is what happened to you while you’re busy making other plans. ‘’
John Lennon - Beautiful Boy

Eric Clapton/Tears in heaven


  1. beautifull both

    i love the painting also


  2. That is a good reminder. I saw a cooment from one of my nephews on FB complaining that there was nothing to eat. He, of course, meant there was nothing he fancied. He has never been without food. A lovely post, Loretta.

  3. Sorry for lurking but saw you on
    heathers post and accidentally touched
    your post.
    Wow I love this song Saturday. Yours is
    Is this a group?

  4. feel free to lurk any time, no its not a group as such, a few of us sometomes post a song, sometimes we don't..........I try to , but you know what its like trying to keep up with things

  5. I hear ya. Maybe I will join in. I sure
    enjoyed yours.

  6. Great song choices, Loretta :-))
