Saturday 2 July 2011

First day of the holidays & B.B.King is on TV....................

Busy day today.
First day of the school holidays and I have my grandson staying. I tried to get the grocery shopping done before he arrived but he actually phoned and asked if he could come too, so I waited for him. He obviously needed his input into what groceries were in the cupboard this week. Then we went wallpaper shopping, my hope is that some how I’ll find time these holidays to strip away layers of old paper and repaper my living room. And of course he had input into choice of wallpaper too.
We then spent a long time dismantling my fish tank, the fish are living in my neighbours tank, the equipment is cleaned and stored in case I feel like starting  again and the tank is emptied, scrubbed and ready to go. It’s a bit sad, I’ve had my fish for years but there is no way I  could decorate around the tank, or move the tank, and I want to decorate, so it just had to go.  
Finally, chores done, it was still light and a nice evening, so we decided to burn some more of the old wood. Tomorrow I should have a nice little pile of wood ash to add to my compost. Strange how, in this world of game boys, ipods and what ever those games you play on the TV are called, he still thinks lighting a fire and feeding it sticks is the highlight of his day.
He didn’t go to his bed until very late, probably almost midnight, but it doesn’t matter, he’s happy and he doesn’t have to get up tomorrow.
I sat down to enjoy a very late coffee and noticed the Glastonbury highlights were on TV. Now I’m thinking, if this guy, who is a lot older than me, can still get up there and play, why can’t I still go to watch?. ……………wishful thinking I’m afraid……………
oh well … time for bed I guess.


  1. what fun

    i still love a fire

    in the firepalce, a campground or just the backyard

    that was one of the highlights of sleeping out in my youth


  2. Saw BB twice at the Gardens Auditorium in Vancouver one time it was with Paul Butterfield ! I know what you mean about your grandson ~ mine just turned 5 a couple of weeks ago ~ when Ash comes we always walk to the farmers market for him to pick out veg. and fruit ~then the bakery for 2 cup cakes or cookies. The last 2 sleep overs I've been teaching him photography. He uses my fuji fine point and click and has caught on rather quickly. At first he wanted to shoot what I was shooting but on our 2nd outing I told him he could take a picture of anything he wanted, wouldn't you know right outside my condo someone neglected to clean up after their dog....lesson learned? If you tell a little person that they can photograph anything they want ~ be prepared for dog poop. Have a wonderful stay with your grandson stay up late watching movies sleep in and above all eat ice cream !

  3. BB King is always a treat! I hope you have a great time with your grandson! Some great ideas from your friend above!

  4. i'll be back in the morning to give a listen. nite nite!

  5. Ahhh, BB was one of the highlights of Glastonbury for me. You can keep Beyonce and Kaiser Chiefs......BB is the real deal.

  6. Sounds like you have lots of plans for your holidays and some good help too. I was watching a Freddie Mercury video on you tube the other evening and someone commented that he would have liked to have been born in the 40's to be be able to witness the birth of rock. For once it wasn't a nasty comment like so many are. I'm glad B.B. King was able to make the concert.

  7. BBKing was at Glasto?

    How did I miss this? Aaaaaargh!

    I have to say Radio 2 have been playing some stonkingly good jazz recently :o)

  8. Glastonbury is on my bucket list. how cool, BB King was there!
