Wednesday 12 November 2008

Autumn Planting, my garden


It’s November and in Scotland that means winter. I haven't been here for a while, my site 'stopped working' and customer services have as yet not sorted things out, in fact they haven't really bothered to get back to me. Today I am sitting here, it's almost two in the afternoon and I've just managed to drag my self out of bed for the first time since yesterday tea time, I have one hell of a virus, cold/flu type thing, and it is very, very NOT NICE. But, looking on the bright side of things, I think the site will allow me to post for the first time in ages. I still can't use my media locker, I can't always leave comments and some pages refuse to load, BUT.............It looks like I can at least post this.
This year we didn’t seem to have much of an autumn, it feels as if we went directly from summer into winter. My garden is wet and cold and more or less out of bounds until next year and that makes me very sad.

 A month or so ago I did manage to get some last minute autumn planting done.

 I bought a few trays of purple plants, a tray of late lavender, a tray of campanula and a tray of another late purple flower whose name I have forgotten.

 (Apologies for the poor quality of these photos, the battery was flat)

I was lucky and bought a load of terracotta pots from the local car boot sale, about 15 in all, and the whole lot only cost £2.00, what a bargain!!

It was late afternoon by the time I finished and the sun was very low and very bright in the sky. Shining through the trees it was quite beautiful, but quite cold too.

I know winter is here now because the berries are every where, soon they will be gone and then that’s it, nothing else will grow until the spring.

The Geese have migrated, the robins have returned the leaves are falling and the air is cold.  And as if in some sort of symbolic ritual the pot nearest my gate and my welcome sign were vandalised last week. I love the autumn, but to see my garden close down for the winter is always sad.


  1. I have had the same flu-cold virus as you it takes at least 10days before it decides to leave us alone.Sorry about your site but that happened to me last year in October and I actually just made another site cause I got no where with customer service my old site is still there because I can't erase it.Since then I haven't had any trouble.Here it is not to bad today just cold only 8C brrrrr.Get well soon okay.

  2. lovely blog...sorry your feeling so under the weather..... my toes r frozen today.....i'll try n send you the link to the other "text"multiply site that i used when completly locked out of the "mulicolored multiply full on site"
    have you tried accessing your site in the library or on another computor to see if its fully funtional there?

  3. Nothing worse than feeling under the weather as the cold weather kicks in :( .

    And I love the flowers you bought and all those pots.......sorry to hear tho someone has to be a jerk and destroy some tho. I will never understand people who do that.

  4. i've been down with a nasty cold, too. the 'mystery' flower looks like a type of salvia to me. the campanulas are such a romantic flower, i just love them. i'll have to snap some pics of my autumn plantings, too. feel better soon, HUGS

  5. Thanks for sharing, lovely pix too. Sorry about the broken pots, that's a bummer. What a deal on the pots! I have no idea what a L is but it must be cheap if you mentioned it so I'm thinking like two or three bucks? Hope you get the site stuff straightened out.

  6. Huggs Loretta. You have a case of early winter blahs. Soon the snow will blanket all the ugliness and create new garden sculptures.
    How nice to get such a good deal on the clay pots!
    (Could your new purple plant be a salvia? It looks a bit like one.)

  7. Your photos are quite lovely. Autumn is a great time for planting, and then I forget what I planted (although I put it in my garden log) so spring is a delightful surprise. Too bad someone vandalized your garden; bored kids do you think? xx

  8. Thanks, Loretta for giving me an excuse as to why my photos are never very good. lol. I sure hope you get your problem sorted out soon. Really wish I could help more. How sad that some have nothing better to do than vandalise other people's property.

  9. So good to see you back - shame about the broken pot, but 15 for 2 pounds is amazing!
    Thank you for these lovely photos - :)))

    Sending you Get Better Soon Hugs and Blessings!


  10. This reads like it could have been written here. I think we are through with our very brief Autumn this year. For now, berries, flu viruses and migrating birds. Hope you are well soon.

  11. Hope you start to feel better soon.
    Gardens do just tend to look so sad and forlorn at this time of year don't they

  12. I've some radishes and salad showing but with the weather (bad here too) I can't take the plants from the pot I used as a nursery to bigger pot :-(
    Too bad someone feels the urge to destroy what was a pretty pot!

  13. I suspect your computer does not have the pound sterling sign and it has shown as a L should read the pots cost two pounds sterling for all fifteen pots. And yes it was a great bargain

  14. Awwwwwwwwww I've just come back from another nap, how nice to see so many people here, thanks for all your kind wishes.

  15. Hope you get better soon too. Seems like quite a few people have the flu.

  16. I don't know why it is that everytime there's a change in seasons, those rotten flu bugs are about. On the other side of the world to you I had a couple of bugs as the weather changed from Tasmania's winter (very close to Antarctica is Tassy!) to warmer spring weather. The flu is around when the summer ends too, and that's when I get a flu shot. You have my sympathy, Loretta!

    I love a bargain too. And like you I'm a recycler, so if someone's got a good thing going on sale at a garage or car boot sale I'll be on the look out. Sorry to hear about the vandalism. Aren't some people just beastly?

    My garden is doing ok. I planted some cucumbers and tomatoes. I also planted some pansies for the front little garden bed. It's growing well, but the weather has been so changeable this spring. The other day it was so hot and blustery. This morning (at 8:30am) it's fine out there but chilly. I have to do some shopping this morning and restock the pantry and freezer. Shopping for groceries is 'not' one of my favourite things, as I'd rather be here at my computer, writing.

    Well, get over that flu and stay warm. Ac.
    ps I wonder what happened with your site? Will you let us know?

  17. Estil is nise wamr hear. I likin tis couleur u chosin. I sori 4 ur potto. Is estupid pessons in worl whu no likin baeutifull ting vat is havin othar pessons.
