Thursday 6 November 2008


 I am feeling ‘’in the pink’’ as they say and since change is most definitely in the air; I have decided to make a few minor changes around here.

Hot pink sailing Boat by Bilie K

 Nothing major, just a bit of a clear out (a leaf out of Frank’s book, thank you Frank), move some stuff around, get rid of the out of date stuff, maybe change the wallpaper and the colour scheme a little. Get rid of a few things I’ve become bored with and make way for getting back into other things I enjoy more. Before I get too involved in these changes I’m just having a look around, stopping off here and there, popping in to say hi to a few people (well,  most if not all people I hope) and then I guess I’ll take a few days and sort every thing out here.
The good doctor contemplates a hot dog in Andre von Morisse's painting "Pink Freud.", I rather like the idea of freud in pink eating a hot dog.

 I just received this  email from an old friend…………..not really the sort of thing I usually share but since I’ll not be around for a couple of days I decided to leave you with these words…….
We all know where she came from

And finally the email……………
Whatever you give a woman, she's going to multiply. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So - if you give her any crap, you will receive a ton of shit.














  1. LMAO, what a brilliant blog! thank you, loretta.

  2. So do I and that hot dog does look to be one of the great kosher ones.

    Glad that you are in the pink. Excellent blog and change is good every now and then. Personally I get a lot from clearing out and cleaning up.

  3. I am a packrat, having kept virtually every comment in my guestbook and blogs since I came on here 14 months ago. But I do like to change my background every few days.

    No comment on the hot dog.

  4. Good to hear you're in the pink . . .

  5. thanks for the laugh.....

    I've never changed the background here, and it's been a year now that I am here.... I don't blog on 360 anymore but I change that background pretty often.... LOL.... go figure!

  6. It's good to shake things up a bit sometimes. LOL

  7. lol needed this this morning thanks loretta lol

  8. I don't have any cobwebs on my pages. If I do, they're things that I "need". While you're pinking things up, didn't you forget Pink Floyd and the Pink Panther? I'll know we'll be happy with the new look when it finally evolves. Have fun.

  9. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh great minds think alike..............if I didn't have so many problems with this damm site at the moment this would have finished with Dark Side of the Moon..................dam site ..............grrrrrrrrr

  10. Have you PM'd Dave about your problem, Loretta?

  11. Never mind. I sawyou got some more answers. Hope you find out what's causing the problems.

  12. Yep Brenda, Customer Service got back to me and i am following their instructions but things are still not working properly

  13. I hope your tech problems come out ok. Diana down there seems to have a good idea.

  14. Fun your take on a renovation. I always appreciate the quirky side. The mind of the 'artist' is freed up!!
    I'm also doing some revamping, changing my site and doing some computer/net housework. A change, as they say, good as a holiday.

    I wonder if Freud has contemplated the nitrates in that hot dog. I know I always do before I eat one. Duh!

  15. Nice post Loretta, ah Marilyn, a true beauty, as for the last bit, so true.

  16. *blush*

    (just trying to fit in)

