Sunday 23 November 2008

Silly me.............I have been conned!!

Oh dear silly am I?? I have been conned by ....... well actually I have no idea who this person really is , yep I know I am old enough to know better but conned I was!! Needless to say this person is now removed from my list of contacts.

For weeks now, months maybe, who ever it is has been telling me they have very poor English and, in different ways, asking for sympathy and understanding.  I always thought there was a possibility it was a con because the understanding of English and the vocabulary used was far too good for her to genuinely be the person she claimed to be. This is how she wrote to me;
Thankin u. Tis is avri kint ting u sayin. I am noin u corekto becous tis vat is sayin my intelkt. My emosyon is b difrans. I am find hud 4 makin tis 2 ting becom esam. U r herein mayve tis esay haow somtim is lik pesson takin graound fram undre ur feats. Tis I tinkin is vat prolblemo 4 me. I no sea tis tink comin & 1 day hapnin & is lik graound gon. Tis hapnin whan I bin in intrenet onli 2 monat & I no tinkin haow pessons can onli pratand b freind becous I naiv than & I no undrestendin y pesson vantin doin tis. 4 som pessons is tis no prolblemo in reyels & in intrenet. 4 me tis reksyon all wey bad in reyels lifs & so all so in intrenet. Is estupid ting. Is frist tim I taklin haow I fillin in 2 jaht becous naow I fillin no so bad lik b 4 & u oni pesson be brava & takl 2 me. U no undrestendin haow mush tis meenin 4 me. I am thankin u agan 4 ur b so goud & karin pesson. I am hopin u havin nise day. I lik redin ur blogo. Is makn me fillin mor goud whan I redin tis ting.
I responded by suggesting she try to improve her written English because it would make it easier to make more friends. This is how she responded
elizelizeliz wrote today at 9:06 AM
My useless English is just a defense against getting too involved with some people and it strangely helps to get things out that I wouldn't otherwise.

The weirdest thing is..............I get the impression 'she' (if it is a she) thinks its ok to do this!!.................oh well takes all sorts I guess


  1. Just pasing and saw this blog. It is so sad when people feel that they cannot be themselves. And I do feel for you. I take everyone as ok, then get this type of thing. You have done the right thing to delete too. Just manipulating peoples feelings, that is what they do. I hope She/He is not on my friends list. Sometimes I just accept these people. Today I accepted someone as they were on another friends list and all he wanted to do was get me on chat. So deleted him very quickly. Hugs to you and dont worry there are some genuine people on here.

  2. Sorry loretta report this to multiply okay and thanks will be on the look out.How is your weather up there?We had a little snow and tonight it is supposed to rain?

  3. I just blocked them. Makes you wonder why they are even here...thanks for the warning

  4. I just blocked them to just to be safe

  5. Reading this has given me another reason for having my page set to network only. In a way I feel really sorry for this person. I'm on here to enjoy myself and to make friends. Maybe it's my age too, but I will never be able to understand other people's wanting to hurt or insult people that they don't even know. Just because I don't know someone outside cyberspace doesn't give me any more right to be cruel to them than I'd have in a personal relationship. Because you know if you threaten someone you may find yourself in trouble. You said she's no longer on your friends list. If I were you, I'd also block her. This is a nice place. We don't want stalkers of any kind.

  6. P.S. You're certainly not silly, but I am because I used the link that you included to go over to block this person - doesn't exist. So I suppose that means she's deleted her account. Hope she doesn't come back with a new ID.

  7. You have that right and there is no guessing about it, the crazies are here, there and everywhere. At least here you can drop, block and lock them out. Actually your Ex Buddy needs some lessons on writing 'fractured English' youz knowa whatta I amean?

  8. I just happened on this.. Seems the person doesn't exist anymore.

  9. Seems my 'ex-buddy' has deleted 'herself'..................this site no longer exists..........mmmmmmmmm wonder why?? She didn't have that many friends but i mad a visit to all of them before posting this :)

  10. LOL at VeryFrank's comment,... Loretta... I know you are a good person just because of the network friend list you belong too.. besides the fact that anyone can see your blog and thoughts, setting to network only does give you a sort of confidence in your privacy. Keep blogging! :) Debra

  11. oh, how incredibly ODD! i am so sorry this happened to you. i always thing that individuals that do these sorts of things must be incredibly unhappy and are looking for some sort of attention. i am so glad you posted this on your blog! i think alot of these sorts are not really expecting it when somebody calls their bluff. thank goodness this person at least had the courtesy of deleting themselves!

  12. na ur not daft....canny lass [ do u like my scottish lol]...i cant speak it very well

    it spoils our enjoyment if we go on here and are supicious of everyone...luckily most of these peeps give themself away pretty's the clever/devious ones that take a while to be cought out, some become very convincing liars.

    ty good work.

  13. LOL I think several of us were conned by her.

  14. WTF! I have to go now & see if she left a pm. for me. I am very upset, & that's an understatement.

  15. What a pain in the butt huh? The internet has allowed a whole new world of unsavory types to sit home and play their stupid games all day. The internet dating scene can be a joke, Im single and you cant believe the amount of people that routinely misrepresent themselves. This is my take on it: These are people who are not well liked, not happy with real life so they spend their lonely days thinking up schemes and ploys to get attention and make people feel sympathy for them. They exist on several levels, from severe to mildly attention deprived. There are a lot of people that will blog, make friends etc then periodically say things like, I wont be here for awhile as Im sad or upset etc. This makes all their online friends bombard them with well wishes and attention. Then you have these types that keep creating new accounts and play games of lies and deciet for their own attention getting needs. The internet created it with its ability to connect people with 100s of strangers and it is easy to hide behind. This person Loretta, knew her (or his) gig was up when you posted their name and the bullcrap they were promoting so they went bye bye and are now working on a new sad story for the next victim. I cant believe they get so much joy out of such a mundane ridiculous game plan.

  16. I agree with what other people said and add this: sometimes things like this are a prelude to financial fraud. One would hope not, but there are people who will spend weeks and months playing the poor me game just to see who they can get personal information from and then, eventually, money. You are wise to not list your last name nor your city.

  17. Im highly suspicious of people and i would NEVER give any info to anyone online. I dont even feel that great paying my utility bills online, but Im getting used to it finally. If someone seems odd, they usually are!

  18. I'm still in shock, & don't know what to say! I thought I knew Eliz well, but I guess I didn't. I never thought about Multiply as being a dating site, I joined to share pics, music & videos that I liked, & to know people from other areas, & to be friends. I didn't take her suddenly being my "fiance'e" seriously, but I did think I knew her! But I'm confused, I'm not sure where the con is, why would she try to fool people? (That's a rhetorical question).

  19. Because dave, may be she isnt even a she?? Its an attention seeking game if you ask me. Maybe the person is a shut in, or a sicko. Who knows.

  20. Just look at her nick........sounds like Liza Dolittle from the movie. You know the one with Audrey Hepburn and Rex Harrison and he teaches her to speak properly like a lady.

    elize lize liz.

    they are playing a game, you havent lost a friend but its sad that people do this garbage here online. Your nicer than me. I could hardly understand that first thing she said and most likely would never have accepted her on my list.

  21. ditto, I would have thought, weird.

  22. Very weird indeed. I'll remove her from my list, but it's still a shock, & can't quite bring myself to do that just yet, even though her site doesn't exist. Perhaps she never existed either.

  23. Good for you. You started the ball rolling and whoops she is gone. Only, unfortunately, to morp into something else next time around. We'll be on the lookout. Thanks.

  24. thanks for the head's up.... I am usually trusting that people are who they present themselves to be... who has all that time for wasting it this way?? a sick kind of entertainment for them I guess...

  25. Yes, I concur with Benn, this is entirely possible. That ex contact of yours needs their head shrunk, or maybe they are one of those Ugandans who send you e mails begging for money in that oft-used scam of 'there's funds in a European bank but I need your money to get it out' know. I got annoyed recently when my private ISP e mail account got e mails from spammers of the like of the abovementioned. Some fake e bayer had got my e mail address and then it all started. I fixed the problem considerably by downloading mozilla thunderbird as my mail server.

    The thing is, when online things like this happen, we're wary the next time. Chin up! You got true blue mates!

  26. Loretta, this person was actually participating in Poetry Wednesday for the past several weeks, but never contacted me for any other reason. Her page is gone, like she never existed. Very strange...

  27. I get the feeling it was a sort of game to write this way, a style which enabled the person to express things.

  28. Could be someone practicing a linguistics experiment??? It really does take all sorts to make a world, I guess. Sorry it upset you, but glad you handled the situation before it got even weirder. You have a kind heart, Loretta, & there are always those who want to take advantage of that for their own reasons, whatever those might be.

  29. I just saw this.Good heavens i hate this kind of thing. It's really awful,my friends tell me im to trusting. After a wierd incident i put my guestbook to contacts only and it really bothers me because i came on multiply to enjoy myself and meet new people as well as the friends i have.*smiles* Linda

  30. Yep like you say, it takes all kinds, seems rather wierd to me.
