Saturday 15 November 2008

THE DON'T KILL RULE; God calls a press conference

I have found this link on two other pages already, I don't usually take stuff direct from other pages but I just figured this should be read by as many people as possible. So in case you missed it anywhere else, here it is again

READ IT........every one should


  1. This was interesting, especially as it was apparently posted just after the Sept. 11 attacks. Just under the main article there was a link to an article about seniors going to hated "eldercare" activities only because they were lonely. That was very interesting as well.

  2. Very very powerful. And reminds me of a song that I am somewhat vague about but I think some of the words were "if you were God". If the premise is correct, and I hope and pray it is, and God really means LOVE ALL, then it is hard to imagine how frustrated God would have to be with the whole blanking human race...(sigh)

  3. Thank you Loretta, I know just where to share this.

  4. "an unending cycle of violence." This is from The Revelation of Arès where God asks us to put an end to this never-ending cycle. It's true that He doesn't mess with everyday life very often, but He is not counting on priest, rabbis, etc; to interpret His Word--He is counting on each one of us to pronounce it and accomplish it. Very simply--to be and do good. And He did speak directly to a man in Arès, France, in 1974 and 1977.

    I don't know why either that we can't seem to get it into our heads "do not kill". I have been thinking of this very strongly ever since the war was begun in Iraq along with "two wrongs don't make a right."

  5. you know Brenda you always seem to be one step ahead of me.................the onion is growing on me, we have not been acquainted that long.

  6. I just love the tone of this article, I love the irony with which it is written. To me it conjures up this picture of 'GOD' languishing on a cloud talking very patiently to lots of little people who are all puffed up with their own importance. He talks to them like they are a bunch of kids but he doesn't want to upset them. So the conversation goes something like,
    ''yes I know you are very upset and I'm sure it wasn't all your fault but I really think its time we all stopped this nonsense and played nicely together.''
    ''Its no good you saying you will only stop if he stops, if we all say that no one will ever stop will they''
    ''well maybe he does have some of your belongings but I'm sure you have some of his too so lets just put this all behind us''
    ''you are right that was a terrible thing that he did but you have also done terrible things, if we all continue to do terrible things to each other it will never end''
    '' how do you know he won't be nice if you are nice, you have never tried''
    etc etc etc.................and he gives a huge sigh, raises his eyes toward the sky, takes a deep breath and starts again
    '' I do hear every thing you are saying and i do understand your hurt, BUT I really need you all to play nicely together''

  7. Its good but will the folk who commit the violence bother to take any notice, I don't think so I'm afraid.

  8. KEVIN.................remember what they used to say when we were kids, difficult to remember that long ago I know, but remember the .............''no negative vibes around here man!!''.............LOL

  9. Oops sorry, thinking positive thoughts over here

  10. I have dealt with real children who have been fighting and they are so much easier to deal with than adults. So maybe we can say to people: Will you start acting like children, please.

  11. Don't take my word for it, go check the Bible: Luke 10:26-28.
    Yes, He is probably a bit frustrated with us (Matthew 23:37).
    Fortunately for us, God is also very patient, and loves us very much (John 3:16-17)

  12. The problem doesn't lie with 'Gods' love of people, or peoples love of 'God', the problem lies with the apparent inability of the human race to stop killing raping, pillaging, torturing and otherwise acting in despicable and inhumane ways toward each other. I don't think the human race is any where near ready to 'love each other' but to just stop killing each other would be a great start.

  13. Thanks for posting Loretta... well done and well said.
    Unfortunately, some in mankind are always looking for "outs" to absolutes and commandments. Always re-interpreting the meanings of the commandments.... Alas.....
    Maybe this posting will have some influence on someone, somewhere who has some power and influence over the powers in Washington, China, the middle East, Russia and all other countries.
    Peace, Ed ###

  14. I love the song that begins "Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me..."
