Sunday 28 August 2011

Auchnacree Loch

Another of the places I stopped by last weekend, there really is some beautiful countryside around here. We are very lucky to have all this so close.


  1. Auch, these are lovely. Englands green and pleasant land eh.

  2. *sigh*

    i love the woods and lakes this time of year


  3. green and pleasant it certainly is............but its SCOTLAND !!

  4. AND...( she adds being just a tad sarcastic) England tends to be more yellow, dry and parched looking this time of year. Although this year there has ben so much rain even the south of England is still quite green. But..............its a common mistake to make, so no offence Bernard :-)

    (its just not a mistake that often made on my page lol)

  5. sme here

    we have been really cool here the last week
    my grass is growing like springtime

    the rest of the country is broiling


  6. While I'm not sure I would describe England's mellow fruitfulness as 'yellow, dry and parched' Loretta, these are a nice set of pictures you've posted here with some great reflections, thanks for sharing them :-)

  7. lol.........I am in fact English, have lived north of the border for more than 20 years but I do remember the long hot, and yes very dry summers in Portsmouth. I have these memories of miles and miles of dusty dry fields and motorways while travelling up and down the country. I miss the sun living here, but I love the way our countryside never gets that yellowed dry and dusty look. When our fields go yellow, its a golden yellow, in the south it tends to be a pale washed out yellow, or at least thats the way it seems to me. I've often said the quality of light is very different in the two countries.

  8. all such excellent photos-thanks for sharing

  9. Quite a lovely group of photographs, just beautiful scenery. Thank you.

    Just about now I needed to see some beauty, I'm sitting here surveying the remnants of a very destructive hurricane, while listening to the last of the rain coming down.

  10. I'm sorry Frank I didn't realised you lived any where near its path, are you Ok? , is every one in your family OK?..........I do hope you didn't sustain too much damage

  11. Everyone is fine thank you. I live in Maryland, in a suburb of Washington, D.C. We are quite close to the Chesapeake Bay and 100 miles from the Atlantic. We were in the path of the hurricane, which is unusual for here. Just as unusual, we had an earthquake last week. Next up, perhaps a swarm of locusts? LOL The rain has been driving the grasshoppers and crickets inside my kitchen.

  12. please be careful where you say that, some people could start seeing the fulfilment of prophesied, biblical, plagues here... :-)
    I'm glad you're Frank OK but it must be pretty scary all these 'natural disaster' happening in the same are area just a week or so apart...........

  13. I didn't know you lived in the land of the Scotti. I live just north of Welshland and can often see the little welshmen hopping from hilltop to hilltop from my upstairs windows. I have a cousin who lives in Ayreshire and you're right, it's a lovely Country.

  14. am liking the stone thanks :-) and the land around you is pretty good too, great countryside where you are.


  15. Thanks for showing such lovely pics of The land of My Birth ,,,,

  16. there really is no place like it is there??

  17. well for me there is .... Turkey is also gorgoeus but ... yes Scotland is a beautiful place.
    For me I just wish it had the sun too .,,,,,,,,,,,,,, then it would be heaven

    From rainy Edinburgh

  18. Thats exactly what my sister says, she lives in south west France and says that she would quite happily live in Scotland, she loves the people and the country, if only she could move it a few hundred miles south.

  19. if i lived in such a lovely land, i should never ever want to leave it. ; D

  20. yeah...............I thought so too..............I love this land, I just wish it were a bit warmer...........

  21. Breathtaking. Feels serene and magical.

  22. Wonderful shadows and framing.

  23. LOL. I know what you mean LOretta. I make no secret of the fact I live in Wales, and yet folks often comment of some of my photos about how lovely the English countryside is!!! Makes you wonder why you bother mentioning it sometines!!! I am English by birth, but I love my adoptive country :-))

  24. Verdant, just like Wales :-))

  25. Did you get many dragonflies around there?

  26. Is there much loch-side wildlife?

  27. I'd expect to see some waterbirds, ducks, swans, geese, etc.

  28. Love the combination of greens and reflected blue sky.

  29. I'm with ya all the way fellow ex-pat :-)

  30. Really like this, the road takes you along.
