Thursday 18 August 2011

I am in the middle of stripping old wallpaper from my living room wall, its that awful wood chip stuff that adheres like concrete. I guess thats why in the past I've just re-painted. But the time has come for a proper job to be done. Which set me thinking. Once this mammoth decorating task is complete, I would like some new art work for my walls. I've had an idea... would any one be interested in swapping art?, a sort of ''I'll give you one of mine if you give me one of yours??'' I thought it would be a really nice idea to have a display of all the talent I've come to appreciate here, so many of my friends do some sort of art. I could do a little set of drawings to swap with any one who is interested........... ANY OFFERS


  1. uuugh! sounds like a daunting task, Loretta. gosh.....let me see if i can think of some sort of something 'artsy' i could make for you....i am definitely not a painter. i am lousy at painting walls, LOL.

  2. Stripping any wall covering is such a chore. About 10 years ago, we removed woven grass cloth wall covering from the walls of three connecting rooms. It took several months and all of the walls underneath had to be refinished before they could be re-papered or painted. You have undertaken such a TASK!!

  3. Oh you are both right, stripping this is going to take ages, I am going to have to live with a half decorated room for months, but at least once its done it will never need doing again.Why on earth do people put this stuff on walls, its awful..****

  4. when we first moved into our house, we had those sorts of walls, too. they are not at all fun to deal with. hang in there, Loretta.

  5. I'm artistic when it comes to baked goods but not drawing or painting. You are so brave to take on such a big chore!

  6. sounds like alot of hard work, I would love to swap something sounds like a wonderful way to decorate your new wall

  7. Brenda believe me its not bravery, its necessity.........if there was some one else to do it or if I could afford the astronomical prices of painters/ decorator..............I would sit back and watch. But on the plus side, If I actually manage to do all of this by myself, what a sense of achievement I'll feel.

  8. ohhh now I'm excited, so I need to do at least two 'swap' drawings, one for Kathy and one for Deb........just think how cool it will be to have a display of every ones work all in the same place, even if it is only on my living room wall..
    thank you ladies, thats a great start

  9. ps.............forgot to say. have already bought the new wall paper...........:-))

  10. i have wanted to do that in our bedroom for years ~ but i am too chicken to attempt it

    our only art on the walls is our hawaii pictures i had blown up as a present for honeybee

    she'd kill me if i let go of them



  11. The place where I'm living has that woodchip stuff on nearly all the walls. No way am I taking all that's getting a coat of paint over it!!! LOL.

    I have no appreciable artistic ability, with maybe the exception of photography, so no art here I'm afraid!!

  12. I've borrowed my daughters steamer and its so much easier, it still takes a while but once you get the hang of holding the steamer in one hand and the striping thingy in the other, and both hands work in unison.................oh so much easier. I've been here since 2002 and all I've ever done is paint over it so .. well stripping the walls is long overdue.

  13. I have never heard of wood chip stuff on walls-what is it exactly? same as wall paper?
