Friday 26 August 2011

Here's my moan of the week............ I'm getting sick fed up of being told about all these lazy people who know how to 'work the system' and get stacks more money in benefits than those of us in work. I'm sick fed up with being told we would all be better off if we didn't have to pay so much tax to keep all these lazy people who don't want to work running about in their fancy cars and watching big screen TV's. NEWSFLASH...........its bloody hard to live off benefits, you don't get enough to live on ( I know I've done it), its bloody hard to get any sort of benefit at all these days because the gov are desperately trying to cut into out benefit system. There are NO jobs for all these so called lazy people to go get anyway and most of all..............if you want to blame someone try blaming the 1% of population who own 30% of wealth ( UK) or if you are in US the top 1% who own 34% of wealth........the figures may not be exact but I'm sure you get the point. Here we have a perfect example of divide and rule. The media set the poor in work against the poor out of work when we should all be blaming the god damn wealthy. Shit ...when did we all become so stupid. ok..... moan over..............


  1. I hear ya, Sister. You are spot on.

  2. Well spoken, Loretta!!! I may be wrong, but I think in the US the top 1% owns 50% of the wealth. But then, again, I could be a socialist Commie pinko!!

  3. OMG.............worse than I thought, but like I said.............the exact figures are not the point, the point is..........well, wake up and smell the coffee as they say.

  4. The newspapers exacerbate the problem too, the Daily Mail being particularly good at that. As you've said though, a large part of the problem is that people who've never been out of work don't know what it's like. It's bloody horrendous (been there, done that).

    I don't know the answer. I'm pretty sure though that those with the money (and therefore help decide policy) aren't going to vote for anything that might require them to give up the money which they see as their right.

  5. Replace UK with US and it sounds just like the daily conversation in the US.

  6. UK ?, US?, I think its the same the world over................

  7. Yup - the haves lording it over the have nots. I mean would any one who worked accept having to produce their full bank statement to anyone who asked for it and would they be happy to just stand by and let them read it, scrutinise it, have to explain why they spent money on such and such an item as proof that they were getting a salary? No? OK then, how about having to live your life as just a number then? If my neighbours who are home owners break the law or cause civil disturbance, they face a fine, and criminal penalties but except in the most serious of circumstances, their home is not at risk. If my dog so much as craps on someone else's lawn I can be threatened with eviction. If you are on benefits you forfeit any "right" to dignity, privacy or respectability.

    Not only are benefit recipients more vulnerable to crime, ill health and "social bullying", we have to endure almost daily humiliation of having to "prove" our entitlement without any supporting documentation being provided.

    Apparently last month the latest edict from the Job Centre as of last month is that they are no longer providing "proofs" or letters of entitlement. You are allowed one a year now, apparently. And yet, if you want to apply for ANYTHING you must provide that proof.

    Im sure they will be going the whole hog soon and just tattoo us with our National Insurance no. - sound familiar? :o(

  8. guess it could be worse..............they could tattoo all of us with a bar code :-) (opps shhhhh lets not give them ideas lol )

  9. Identichips like dogs? Blair was talking about it.

  10. Amen. Hope you feel better now.

  11. Absolutely. Its called surviving when on benefits cos it is certainly not living.

  12. The only solution is for us humans to change, to stop seeking to exploit and dominate each other.

  13. There are solutions alternatives are being created things are happening and for many probably not far from where you are..

  14. AGREED!!!!!
    When I was out of work for 3 months I had to decide whether to pay the extra I was expected to pay my rent with (they no longer pay all your rent and you're supposed to find the shortfall out of your benefits which are stated to be the minimum amount you need to live on - work THAT out) OR feed my kids, so I got into debt over the rent which I am now paying off out of my wages but others are not to lucky and get evicted.

  15. I totally understand where you are coming from.
    A young woman I know in a similar situation to yours is now officially a bankrupt. She experienced so many problems with the system, ended up borrowing from shark loans to give the kids a christmas, owed thousands in rent and council tax arrears because of the inept way her claims were handled and of course her benefits not covering every thing. The stress, hopelessness etc of her situation led to her almost having a breakdown and her kids being put on the at risk register. Thank god that at some point our system seemed to work because eventually she ended up with a supportive social worker and councillor and now her kids are off the register and she is coping. She still doesn't have a job, benefits are still inadequate, and she is beginning to get into debt again................Considering how badly the system effects some people, you have coped brilliantly well.........

  16. If I worked my butt off to make the amount of money I earned, I sure as hell am not going to just hand any part of it over to some lazy bum just because he/she thinks I should.

  17. Pfft!

    God forbid you are ever disabled or having to care for anyone then.

  18. lol.... he/ she's a bit of a 'bolt from the blue' you know her? I don't and her site is closed..........who the hell is this crazy person ??
    oh well guess we need a bit of light entertainment this time of night :-)

  19. lol....any more jokers out there to give me a laugh before I take my self off to bed??

  20. I was going to retort but then I realised someone that ignorant wouldn't understand ;)

  21. Nope. Nothing to do with me! LOL

    A Teabagger escaped from Texas maybe? LOL

    Back, back! Back down to hell you go!! LOL!!!

  22. Ahhh... my bad. I should have just given them a Paddington Bear stare!


  23. Their page commemorates their diseased brother-in-law (blessings to them and their family), but surely if the soldiers are wounded and need rehab and care, wouldn't they want their taxes to go towards that...??

  24. Gotta love a troll :D

    Right, bedtime................... hugs to all!

  25. lol... yeah pearls before swine as they say..........think Nessie has the right idea...........a mad excapee from Texas............

  26. bed time here too...........nighty night don't let the tea baggers bite :-))

  27. Tis the nature of the beast and we learn that as early as when we are a mere sperm.

  28. How do you feel about politicians who do not deliver but spend your hard earned taxes on luxuries for themself and their family?

  29. Maybe groovythumper was being sarcastic?

  30. Hi Bennett, I hope you are safe from these storms, I don't think this person was being sarcastic, she just suddenly appeared and no one knows who she is , but there's not a lot of point in arguing with people who think this way, which is why I didn't bother. It's this kind of attitude that prompted my moan in the first place. It's very sad, just yesterday a friend of mine, who is a perfectly nice and caring woman, in fact she works in a care home, was saying similar things, and because I know her, and because I know her to be a caring person, I attempted to reason with her. Where ever these ideas have come from, they are stuck fast in her head and will not budge. If I can't convince a nice person like her she is mistaken, I've no hope with people who aren't so nice to start with. In some ways this woman has done me a favour, she has given the perfect example of what I am ...'sick fed up', with. Or of course you could be right, maybe she is being sarcastic.

  31. I tend to agree with you that this was not sarcasm but pure unadulterated spitefulness. If all those charity workers who donate their precious time for a cause they feel worthy many would suffer if all their hard work and effort was always paid for well.

  32. Now I believe it was not sarcasm. Sad.

  33. I think its a sign of the times, things are tough for every one, and instead of thinking rationally and sticking together, the poor (collective) turn on each other and start looking for someone to blame. I just wish people were not so easily swayed by the media and woke up to what is really happening.
    As I keep saying.............. a SMALL minority of society own a LARGE percentage of the wealth and this needs to be addressed. But that SMALL minority, aided and abetted by the very people they are feeding off, successfully divert the attention away from themselves by pitting poor against poor.........I hate the way people are stupid enough not to see what is happening.

  34. You might have been a sperm once Howard but we girls were eggs! Hahhaaha!

  35. As its a sunday... Amen to that babes! :o)

  36. I really do agree. Its like Thatcherism gone mad. Thatcher and Reagan, they were insane when in power and now the world has caught it :o/

  37. I LIKE this post............I've been on a bit of a rant myself today :)

    Just in PM's...........It's early, just getting fired up :)

  38. this is their's taken until now to understand the full and long term impact of their policies, normally I would say we shouldn't blame things that were done 30+ years ago, but in this case I make an exception, Thatcher & co changed the face of British politics forever.............

  39. which brings me to another point..................I so much want the SNP to gain Independence for Scotland, not because I'm a huge fan of the party........but that doesn't matter because once we have fill independence we will be free to vote in our own government, and socially and politically the Scottish people are more inclined toward socialist policies than the English. Scotland has NEVER voted for a conservative government, we always end up with the government England votes in.............
    opps now see what you did ... ANOTHER moan.....................

  40. So do I babes - and I'm English! LOL

    Not that Im a fan of Alex Salmond!

    I just think that London has bugger all to do with Scotland and you guys should have the choice to do with your money as you please.

    Can you give J a uni place first though? LOL!

  41. Senile old gits..... :o/ Grump!

  42. ummmmmmmmmm well to be honest, it pisses me off the way our kids have to fight for their places against the English students just because we got it together not to charge fees...........BUT.............if he did get a place, I think the provision for disability is pretty good..........:-)

  43. LOL... hahahaha I thought you were calling ME a senile ol' grump...............not that I would entirely disagree if you did

  44. LOL its tough everywhere babes but I agree - and you have better doctors too!

  45. Nooooo!!!! LOL!!! (((hugs)))

    You MUST go to my new link post - Damn you autocorrect!

    Seriously - take a hankie, you will be laughing so hard! :o)

  46. I think so, but in your case I spose the point is i HAVE a Dr .................better or otherwise

  47. am I .................I've lived here over 20 years and this is my home, I would never go back and I guess now I associate myself as a Scot

  48. A rather sweeping statement that does not in my my opinion actually do justice to the complexities of England, or English politics. Here is a country in which about 85% of the population of Great Britain resides, but one in which Scots, Welsh and Northern Ireland politicians unaccountable to the English electorate makes decision and implement laws that do not apply to the constituencies that vote them into office at Westminster. This is utterly unacceptable and it skews British politics across the entire UK.
    The so-called 'West Lothian Question' is one very good reason why I too support Scottish independence and have for many years, because that may help to establish something resembling democracy in England, without the input of these unaccountable interlopers from the Celtic fringe, elected by a small population beyond England's borders who in every case have devolved political powers of their own.

    England is denied a meaningful Parliament and that will be the case for so long as unaccountable MPs from beyond our borders, are allowed to sit on our executive and legislature and in the case of Scottish MPs, we have them acting as English lawmakers, whilst originating from a place where the legal system is entirely different, it is absurd in the extreme!

  49. England is not denied a Parliament of its own, it chooses not to have a Parliament of its own, preferring instead to continue with the Parliament of the 'Union'. The only reason Scotland has its own Parliament, is because the people of Scotland demanded it, as did the people of Wales with their Assembly. If the English people campaigned and lobbied as consistently for their own Parliament as we did for ours, they would have it by now. As for the 'West Lothian'.........yes, I agree, as do most Scottish people I know. But, if Scotland were to be given Independence, the problem would go away.

  50. Incidentally...............when discussing Independence, one of the arguments given against it is that without the input of the Scottish & Welsh, the electorate of England would, if past trends were continued, consistently vote for right wing governments. That would not affect me greatly...........but doesn't it worry you? true you would have much greater democracy...........but in your case it would lead to a political shift to the right, or do you not think thats the case??

  51. Wot I sed! (But put across in a much better way! LOL!!)

  52. No that's not right. People vote for who they respect on the whole. That's why the Greens are so strong in Norfolk. People "GET" the message we put across. Its the system thats skewed not the candidates. That's why we need voting reform. Its a shame the blummin' Eton Old Boys ganged up (Labs and Cons) against the Lib Dem referendum this year. It really skewed things.

    their bickering and in-fighting put people off from voting so they won.


  53. I have always believed the Scottish electorate are more inclined to vote to the left and the English electorate incline to vote to the right. Obviously not EVERYONE follows this trend, but if you look at the political maps of the last few election results you can see what I mean. This is why I not so good side effect of Scottish independence would be a shift to the right of English politics.

    Election map 2010

    election map 2005

    political map 2001

    percentage of vote 1997
