Tuesday 16 August 2011

Sweet peas growing wild.

This tiny grey house is empty and in ned of total renovation. It stands next to my sisters house in France at the bottom of the lane. This was one of my favourite places to sit and draw while I was there. the sweet pears are glorious, many of the other flowers were past their best when I was there and in some places the landscape looked dry and bleached, but this little corner was a riot of colour.


  1. aaaah.....sweet peas and figs! i really hope they are scented? the sweet peas, i mean. ; D ; D

  2. gorgeous-wouldn't that be nice to be able to fix up the building-a studio-apt.just for you when you visit France

  3. Kathy I would love that, I actually could and I have considered it. My sister bought it a while ago because it was an eyesore and dangerous. She has made it water tight and mended the holes in the walls, there is a courtyard at the back that has been cleared. Now she is selling it as a renovation project. I really wanted too but the problem is I would be completely dependent on them and its not good to be that dependent on others. It's in the middle of no-where, I don't drive and I don't speak french, .............but lucky lucky person who takes this on.

  4. Beautiful colors and lovely flowers. That corner must have some ground water close to the surface. I'm surprised to see so many dandelions mixed in there and still standing. The dandelion (dent-de-lion) greens or pis-en-lit are prized by the French for salads and cooking.

  5. lol thats funny cos my sister said exactly that when I was there. They pick the leaves when they are young and tender before the flowers come.

  6. We used to do that whenever there was a drive into the country. I'd see families pulling off the road and parked to have their lunch, then pick all the pis-en-lit that they needed to take with them. It's very tender and has a slight nip to it.

    The fall is the time to find wild sickle pears along the roadside.

  7. I love sweet peas. Such a sweet little flower.

  8. A riot of colour! Now that's the kind of riot we all like.

  9. this is one I drew while I was out there, just realised I took the photo on the bedroom floor in my sisters house. Those floorboards are a few hundred years old

  10. Do you know what the tall plant is in the front?

  11. Woo, he's an interesting fella!! Is he a beetle?

  12. I love fresh figs. Haven't had any in a while.

  13. not sure, that why i photographed him, he looked like a blue leathery wasp.........any ideas??

  14. thanks, I posted my drawings as soon as i got back in a late 'art sunday, but thought i would include this one here to show where the inspiration came from. It really was a beautiful place to sit and draw.
