Sunday 26 February 2012

Busy Weekend

Busy Weekend

What a busy weekend, it was middle daughters birthday on Friday and her sisters bought concert tickets for them all for tonight. So; Saturday I had youngest daughter, plus friend, plus dog, plus grandson staying overnight. I was the babysitter/ dog sitter while youngest plus friend hit the town. This morning the dog and I walked by the sea to give daughter plus friend time to recuperate and maker them selves presentable, ready for tonight. The walk was lovely. The sky had a streak of orange right across the horizon and there was a pool of bright light in the middle of the sea. It was quite spectacular; the photograph doesn’t show how dramatic it was.

As we walked an old aircraft flew overhead and was silhouetted against the sky. This after noon eldest daughter and middle daughter arrived with the other three grandchildren.

We all ate cake; birthday daughter was delighted with the cake I bought her. I work with a woman who is starting her own cake making business, and the cake tasted as good as it looked.
My daughter has had her driving license for a while but only recently managed to buy herself a modest little car, she loves her little car. It has made life so much easier for her. Which is why I asked for her cake to have a picture of the car on it. Apparently you can buy special printers and edible inks and print out any picture to decorate a cake. I didn’t know that but every one seemed impressed with the results. Her name looked like a car license plate and the black ‘flowers’ around the edge were really her alloy wheels.

This is the first time I have had more than the odd half hour peace this weekend. I now have two grandchildren returned to their fathers while the girls go to their concert, one granddaughter asleep and one grandson about to go to bed. Last time I looked the dog was happily curled up around the granddaughter feet. It’s been busy but it was great. Hope your weekend was too.


  1. WOW, what a fun and busy family time for you and yours! i'm so glad you have enjoyed it.......but i know you will be happy to have your own space back to yourself again and have a nice glass of wine and a good exhale. i've been busy, too, L and i have started creating a new garden today.

  2. p.s....that cake looks awesome, and i know they all have appreciated you looking after the young ones and pooch, too.

  3. what fun

    grandson would just love that cake


  4. you are so right................I'm enjoying the peace and quiet, drinking my pear cider and seriously considering taking a day off work tomorrow. My boss wont be happy but I feel like I need a day to get over the weekend :-)

  5. i would need a day to myself, too, after all of that! ; )

  6. I love having every one here....................but you are right, I need my own space too. I think partly why I find it so exhausting is that I don't live in a 'family home' any more, I live on my own in a small apartment.............and lovely though it is also exhausting. .

  7. yes, all that enthusiastic and busy energy all at once, when one gets used to things being a certain way....i definitely do understand it.

  8. Your boss might not be happy but you are going to retire, one of life's little joys!!

    Pear cider sounds delicious. I am regularly harvesting basil now and it is a delight. I know what you mean about the sea and sky and the difficulty in capturing the true drama of some of those scenes. You did a nice job.

  9. I think you captured it quite nicely.

  10. Busy indeed but worth it, I'm sure.

  11. Phew!! A busy weekend indeed!! Lovely cake you arranged for her :-))

  12. Wow, I thought I was busy with just one grandson here!!! I love the cake, I imagine your daughter was just delighted! Well done! I am crazzzzy about the wheels!
