Sunday 5 February 2012

Garden 2012 no2

Garden 2012 no2

The day was cold, about minus 2, the earth was frozen but the sun shone in the clear blue sky. I wanted to sow radish seeds and plant onion sets but the earth was solid.

The compost in the potato barrels was frozen to about a depth of 2cm, I broke up the frozen crust and beneath that was soft compost ready to receive my seed potatoes.

There was enough unfrozen compost to fill another pot and sow the new mint seeds. My mint is a few years old now and I thought it was time to start growing new plants to replace any that become too old and woody to use. I remembered to put the seed and fat balls out for the birds and right on queue, as a thank you, the robin appeared.

The snow drops are up and the first daffodil has appeared today. I wanted to do more, its very frustrating having seeds ready to go into the ground and not being able to do any thing because the garden is frozen solid.

Its especially frustrating when the sun is shining and it looks so inviting out there.. I think maybe I should start covering the ground to try to keep it a bit warmer.

The picture at the top is another shot of the reflected light in the windows across the back yards from me……….the light is quite something this time of year.


  1. well ~ at least you got a little dirty


  2. yes...........I got a little dirty and played with the pots, so i guess it was worth it. :-)

  3. Your larger flower bulbs come up about 4-6 weeks before mine do. We have forsythia bushes, crocus, snow-bells and snowdrops in Feb and Mar. What a great sight to see, the first shoots breaking through.

  4. Gardening is wonderful for the spirit! Tomorrow I will put in my snapdragons.

  5. I've looked forward to seeing more pics of the backyard scene in the different lights. This one is stunningly glowy. Love those daffy flowers♥

  6. Well, you got some things done, so it counts as a productive day. Shows how mixed up the seasons are becoming, with daffs appearing already. A neighbour here has had daffs out in his garden for nearly two weeks. It has been pretty mild here most of winter til the last couple of days of last week.

  7. I can't wait to see your garden in full bloom.

  8. glad you like them..............I can't stop taking pictures of this scene............the light is just so amazing out there.

  9. you must have left a trail of snapdragons all over Florida by now.............its quite nice to think you've left something behind to mark your stay.

  10. Love your spring flowers. I have two crocus blooms... (a really early variety)... and flowers on my winter jasmine.
