Saturday 18 February 2012

Disability benefit cuts.

you think we ( in the UK) look after our disabled, think again. And if the government has its way, things are about to get a whole lot worse.
In Scotland we are in a precarious position, our devolved government has voiced its opposition to these cuts but; at the moment they are powerless to act against them because ‘work and pensions’ is not a devolved department of government. At the moment the DWP ( department of work and pensions) is governed from Westminster for the whole of the UK.

This is what the SNP MSP for Glasgow Bob Doris has to say,

“If the UK Government press on with plans to compel sick and disabled people, including those with mental health issues into long term compulsory unpaid work or to lose benefits is simply unacceptable.
“For the DWP to call this an 'incentive' is simply farcical and like so much of its welfare reforms the UK Government need to think again before significant and long term damage is done to many of Scotland's most vulnerable groups.
“If work and pensions were devolved to the Scottish Parliament we would be able to have a system based on fairness that meets the needs and demands of everyone in Scotland including the most needy and sick people who are limited in their ability to work.”

If you wonder what sort of people want to push sick and disabled people further into poverty………its this sort;
The DWP is governed by;
The Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith MP Secretary of State Overall responsibility
The Rt Hon Chris Grayling MP Minister of State Employment
Steve Webb MP Minister of State Pensions
Maria Miller MP Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State Disabled people
Lord Freud Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State Welfare reform

The Liberal/Conservative coalition government of 2010 has been described as a 'coalition of millionaires' because 23 of its 29 MP's who are entitled to attend Cabinet meetings have assets and investments estimated to be worth more than £1million.
Iain Duncan Smith is one of the 23 millionaires, he is also an advocate of strict immigration controls because he believes ‘’ tighter immigration controls are vital if Britain is to avoid losing another generation to dependency and hopelessness”. Presumably from that statement he believes immigrants are ‘’dependant and hopeless’. He lied on his CV claiming he has a degree and various other qualifications, in fact he has no formal qualifications. He supported the launching of a pre-emptive attack on Iraq, prior to the 2003 invasion, because he argued 'It’s now time for the prime minister to explain to the British people what he already knows - that Iraq is a clear and growing danger to Britain’’.
Chris Grayling, the Minister of State for Employment is also a homophobic who publicly supported the ‘right’ of B&B owners to refuse entry to gay and lesbian couples. He was one of the main culprits in the parliamentary expenses scandal. Between 2001 and 2009 he claimed parliamentary expenses for a flat in Pimlico, close to the House of Commons, despite having a constituency home less than 17 miles away.. He also owned two buy to let properties in Wimbledon. Grayling says he uses the flat when "working very late" because he needs to "work very erratic and late hours most days when the House of Commons is sitting." During the Parliamentary expenses scandal, The Daily Telegraph reported that Grayling refitted and redecorated the flat in 2005 at a cost of thousands of pounds to the tax payer. And unsurprisingly he is also one of the many millionaires in government.
And these are the people who want to impose draconian cuts on the most vulnerable members of society ………the only surprise is that any one voted for them in the first place.
We ALL  need to be vocal in fighting these cuts.


  1. I tried to watch the bottom one again but it wouldn't let me. I tried to watch it because it had me flummoxed the first time around. If the UK government is not careful, you will be like us, with people in wheelchairs on streetcorners, begging. I know that is what you want to stop.

  2. Even though I'm not British, reading your blog and watching the two videos make my blood boil. The more important trade unions are having a march tomorrow, and my blood was already boiling because the spokesman for one of them in Madrid receives 181,000 € yearly as an advisor for a bank plus he has another full-time job! I just hope they come to their senses in Britain and tax the hell out of these so-called representatives of the people, because they only represent themselves trying to get more than their share of the pie. Let them live on toast!

  3. Oh, I didn't see the third video!

  4. If I don't come back, it is because I am having the devil of a time getting the page to load with 3 videos, which is unfortunate because they are important videos.

    "Government is not the answer to the problem, government IS the problem." ~ Ronald Reagan
    I think you know where I stand on this.

  5. I have been to an Atos interrogation in an Orwellian environment as an advocate. I am currently engaged in a conflict on several dimensions with Atos and the DWP which I cannot go into detail here about. However what I will say here is that a form of psychological warfare is being directed at people on incapacity benefit and the depths that the Atos/DWP stasi will sink is beyond belief to many in the UK who have not experienced it. What I have witnessed is a nazi eugenics agenda staffed very largely by personality disordered automatons in a warped Kafkaesque half-cocked psychology experiment, concocted by some failing Masters degree student somewhere we have never heard of. I am working on exposing not only bad practice but practice that probably is abuse of vulnerable adults which is an area of particular interest to me as an adult protection practitioner. I consider what I have witnessed of the Work Capability Assessment to fall within the definition of 'torture' and it certainly contravenes our ECHR Article 3 rights to be protected from "inhuman or degrading treatment" by agents acting on behalf of the British state.

    I can report a degree of success in opposing the beast in the case I am advocating for right now, but there is much more to come, the counter-offensive is only just getting under way. More in due course methinks.

  6. 'Are there no prisons?"

    'Plenty of prisons,' said the gentleman, laying down the pen again.
    'And the Union workhouses.' demanded Scrooge. 'Are they still in operation?'
    'Both very busy, sir.'
    'Oh. I was afraid, from what you said at first, that something had occurred to stop them in their useful course,' said Scrooge. 'I'm very glad to hear it.'
    'Under the impression that they scarcely furnish Christian cheer of mind or body to the multitude,' returned the gentleman, 'a few of us are endeavouring to raise a fund to buy the Poor some meat and drink, and means of warmth. We choose this time, because it is a time, of all others, when Want is keenly felt, and Abundance rejoices. What shall I put you down for?'

    'Nothing!' Scrooge replied.
    'You wish to be anonymous?'
    'I wish to be left alone,' said Scrooge. 'Since you ask me what I wish, gentlemen, that is my answer. I don't make merry myself at Christmas and I can't afford to make idle people merry. I help to support the establishments I have mentioned-they cost enough; and those who are badly off must go there.'
    'Many can't go there; and many would rather die.'
    'If they would rather die,' said Scrooge, 'they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population."

    ---from A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

  7. I know Bennett.............This is what the conservative alliance is doing to the country. These people have been waiting in the wings for a very long time to do something like this. The Liberal Democrats seem to have sold out to the Conservatives in order to stay in the coalition and play a part in government, they have been desperate for power for a long time and they don't seem to mind that it comes at a price.

  8. I think there is something wrong with Multiply this evening, I posted this hours ago and have been locked out ever since.

  9. Indeed we grow closer and closer to a dickensian country every day

  10. yes of course you're right.its a very scary prospect

  11. Apparently now Saturday is site maintenance day when most of us have more free time to be on here.
