Monday 20 February 2012

The Greek Hero; Manolis Glezos

The Greek hero

Manolis Glezos, born 9th September 1922

Seventy years ago, Manolis Glezos surreptitiously took down the Nazi flag flying over the Acropolis. Now aged almost 90, he's taken up the fight once more. This time, against the government, EU and IMF over what he feels are unjust attacks on Greece's economic sovereignty.
In March 2010, Glezos ( age 87) was participating in a protest demonstration in Athens, when he was hit in the face by a police tear gas canister. He was carried away injured.
In Feburary 2012, ( age amost 90) Glezos was arrested by riot police while protesting in Athens. He was sprayed with teargas by one of the police officers in that area.

The hero of Greece's anti-Nazi resistance movement, Manolis Glezos, has appealed to anti-capitalist protesters to "overturn a rotten system". Leading the fight in a very different sort of war, the leftwing icon said his nation had become a "guinea pig" for austerity measures to which no country was immune.

Full article here.


  1. A true hero. Thank you for this.

  2. Well you don't want to hear the truth---the Greeks made the debt then they came to the rest of the world for a bail out and because of the conditions they are angry problem is they need to be angry at the right people--their own billionairs not the rest of the world--
    lastly they can if they choose not accept the conditions and go at it alone and that is their choice
    I for one am sick of having the Greeks blame all their troubls on the rest of us especially the Germans if it hadn't been for our PM no one would have even given them a farthing--
    sorry now I will get of my soap box

  3. It may well be the fault of Greek millionaires, along with millionaires all over the world, the IMF and EU, the World Bank and the rest of the worlds financial institutions; in short the, 1% whose sole aim in life is the maximize profits for themselves while driving ordinary people the world over deeper and deeper into poverty. When a people face losing all public services, including their health services, their education services, any kind of state help for the poor, sick and disabled, when pensions are slashed to a level the elderly can't live on, when unemployment rises and unemployment benefit becomes too low to pay the rent, its immoral for the rest of us to demand 'repayment' of debt in order to balance our books. What the EU are doing to Greece, they DO NOT DO IN MY NAME. You may be happy to sit back in self righteous indignation and say 'its their own fault' etc etc, but I don't want the Greek people made to suffer any more, NOT IN MY NAME. As for us 'bailing them out, what a load of rubbish, none of the money the EU 'gives' them is to help the Greek people, ALL of the bail out fund is going back out of the country to service the debt to the rest of us, and for that they are forced to accept 'austerity' that pushes more and more poverty on the people. And how ever you look at it, that's immoral.
    It's not me that doesn't want to know the truth.

  4. Had he been in the US, he'd have been tasered as well!
