Monday 13 February 2012

Just watching 'Poor America'' Panorama.............OMG.........


  1. previously middle class professional families living in tunnels beneath casinos where millionaires play.....
    you couldn't make this stuff it true??

  2. i'm watching too,its bad,in a country like America.....WTF !!!

  3. It is true, not as visible as one may think however. Lots of folks out of work and some having lost their homes. But I think if there is already problems within the family then the homeless situation gets really bad. They may not seek out the resources available to them.

  4. more people without health insurance than when Obama took office !! so much for his health reforms.

  5. he actually made it worse for us that already have health insurance with our employer-because of his plan my premiums are higher, and the cost of medicine is much higher as well. hoping we get the other party elected this november so obamacare can get repealed-although I know that will be very difficult because of the way he did it

  6. Thank you Kathy for telling the honest truth.

    Yes, Loretta, more go hungry than should and it's getting worse. I have to help my daughter to feed my grandbabies frequently and she works a full time job and does not waste her money.

  7. If I remember he was blocked at every move and was unable to put in place the reforms he wanted. But in the end any reform to a system that prioritises profit over health is not going to work, the only way to guarantee every one has access to health care is to replace the profit led system with a health led system.

  8. Speaking of US healthcare, I ran across this a year or so ago. You may find it informative.

  9. Actually my health premiums have gone down. There are 2 sides to every story and a picture can be painted to show one truth or the other.

    He WAS blocked at every turn by people who now say it is his fault he failed. (Obama) There is no such thing as "Obamacare". Much of the bill has not even gone into effect but the insurance companies used the healthcare reforms as an excuse to jack up rates.

  10. Skimmed bernard's article, what I saw I liked.

  11. Amen. I believe the health insurance industry makes $4 billion dollars a year in profits. You bet they are going to sabotage efforts at reform.

  12. My complaint with Obama is not the reforms he put in place, those reforms were never what he intended, my complaint about him is that he didn't implement the reforms he planned, he allowed himself to be beaten by a bunch of money hungry, unelected businessmen. it really is true what they say about America, it doesn't matter who is democratically elected, the only thing that matters is who is the richest and most financially powerful

  13. think this is one of the articles that i read a while ago.

  14. thank you, and the really sad thing is America thinks of itself a the most democratically accountable country in the world, a shining light of freedom and democracy, and its not, that's a myth, in reality America is not democratically accountable, the only accountability is to the almighty profit. and that's sad.

  15. Bennett do you get Panorama over there?? if you do you should look out for this one, it was a bit of an eye opener for me. I know you and your friends write about this stuff, but to see the tent towns and the midnight ques for a Dr really brings it home.

  16. I have seen it in real life. It is heart-breaking. I once saw a young woman who I had counseled when she was a child hanging out at a refuge when we were driving by. I tried to stop and find her but I could not.

    A young man worked for us as a handy man. He came one day to work and his hand had been cut. He had sewn it together himself!! Like you would darn a sock. We gave him money to go to a clinic and get it seen to.

  17. The myth of American Exceptionalism.

  18. oh that is so awful, in the programme there was a man who had a hernia, he had it for years, he eventually managed to see a 'free' Dr who told him his intestines were exposed and without surgery he risked gangrene and death. He was told the surgery would cost thousands of dollars and he didn't have the money.

  19. This is what our Con-Dem government wants for us ...fight the cuts destroy the Con-Dems!

  20. I know, that's what I'm afraid of...............they are already doing it in Greece
