Tuesday 28 February 2012

St Pauls Occupy Site Evicted Last Night

St Pauls Occupy Site Evicted Last Night

An anti-capitalist demonstration that saw protesters camp outside St Paul's Cathedral in London has been brought to an end by bailiffs and police.

Protesters staging Occupy London were refused permission by the Court of Appeal last week to challenge orders evicting them from the cathedral steps, where they had been living in tents since October 15 last year.

The City of London Corporation called on protesters to remove their tents voluntarily, but around 50 or 60 refused to budge.

Some protesters created makeshift barriers out of wooden shelving units as police moved in to help bailiffs clear the camp.

Police said 20 people had been arrested but the operation was largely peaceful.

Giles Fraser, who resigned as canon chancellor of St Paul's rather than see protesters cleared out by force, said: "Riot police clearing the steps of St Paul's Cathedral was a terrible sight. This is a sad day for the Church."



  1. A sad day for democracy too .... Blessings to them all for their bravery!

  2. It had served its purpose, time to move on, regroup come at them from a different angle, there was no more fitting way for this to end.....it happened, its over and the anger is still there ....it will surface again very soon, it is never going away.

  3. disgusting behavour from the authorities

  4. I think they did well to hang in there for 4 months, and although the eviction wasn't exactly gentle, it wasn't as brutal as it would have been in other parts of the world. No one was gassed or shot at so I guess that's something to be grateful for, and I think I agree with Aaron, they made their point and they are not disappearing for ever, just relocating. But I also agree with Emma, to evict them shows how undemocratic we have become.
    The important thing is that we all remember why there were there in the first place.
