Thursday 12 June 2008

Picture Perfect, Extravagance




I took this picture on the way home form work today. I believe this is extravagance gone mad. Whoever these people are who pile up unwanted appliances and leave them to pollute the environment are extravagant, (and selfish) with the worlds diminishing resources and irresponsible in the way they simply discard belongings that are longer wanted. There are three types of extravagance here, one is the extravagant use of resources in a world of disposable appliances, another is the extravagant waste of resources by not recycling where ever possible and the last is the damaging environmental pollution caused by our extravagant society. 

The Dangers of unwanted televisions.

Most people know lead is a toxin. Lead damages the central nervous system, and children are particularly sensitive. Most people don't realize how much lead is in CRTs. Televisions and monitors can have 4-10 pounds of lead in them. Recycling the glass in CRTs also saves energy and conserves resources. By making sure your CRTs are recycled responsibly instead of dumped, you significantly reduce your load on the environment and decrease the heavy metals in your community's drinking water.

The Dangers of unwanted  fridges and freezers.

Fridges and freezers contain CFCs which are Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) and are potentially damaging to the atmosphere. As a result of recent legislation, fridges and freezers must have the ODS removed before some of the other materials are recycled. Every year there are reports of children becoming locked inside irresponsibly discarded frigdges and freezers, sometimes with tragic consequences.

Unwanted rubber tyres.

 Rubber tyres collect water, which attracts mosquitoes and they create huge fire hazards, once they get "lit" it's an environmental catastrophe. Most commercial gyms use recycled rubber matting in their facilities, most children’s playgrounds are protected by recycled rubber matting under swings and roundabouts. Rubber is a natural resource that needs protecting. Rubber does not easily decompose and will continue to pollute the environment for many years after it has been dumped.

And the lawn Mower??.............................

Much of it is made from meteal and all metals can be reclaimed and reused. If left where it is it becomes an unsightly danger to children.


  1. Great take on the Theme, wish more people thought about these issues. thanks again for sharing

  2. Brilliant take on this weeks theme .... love it!

  3. Wonderful take on this theme. Great thinking outside the box.

  4. Yes this is very different - completely brilliant!

  5. Well done Loretta , Thats a great photo.I havnt done mine yet.

  6. This all might be true but I would not have the least idea how to do any of this nor would I necessarily have the cash to pay someone This may be standard practice in the UK but my town in the US will not take this stuff and makes little or no provision for its disposal.
    I have the previous owners old clothes dryer sitting in my basement.
    It's not extravagant I can't move it and don't know who will take it so it sits.

  7. Great photo. However, perhaps these people are not as lucky as I am. My Town Council comes round every third Tuesday of the month to pick up unwanted things plus every week we can dump such things as used cooking oil, x-rays, empty ink cartridges, etc. Being green in my city(Madrid) is not so hard.

  8. Brendainmad, you must have a very enlightened local authority in Madrid, great that some local authorities take these things seriously. The photograph was taken very close to where I live and I know what our local policies are. We have a local 'tip' where large items can be taken for a small fee and sorted into recycled stuff etc. I don't drive my self I can usually get someone to take me, I know the people concerned from this picture do have their own transport. Or our local authority will come and collect, I think the cost is something like £20.00 for three large items. The cost is to cover fuel and sorting. People are naturally reluctant to pay for the disposal of unwanted appliances in the same way as they are reluctant to pay higher fuel costs but; if we are to protect our environment and conserve our resources for future generations we are going to have to accept financial responsibility as well as moral responsibility. It isn't always someone elses responsibility................its all of our responsibility

  9. Think of the catatrophic disposal of TVs that is about to go one in the US when we go digital next Feb. The technology became so easy, the prices went down and it makes it unreasonable to repair things. How about Printers? The ink is so expensive people buy a new one and pitch the old. Why is ink so much and why dont I hear of how to recycle hardly ever in my area? Great take on the theme.

  10. great commentary. since the 70's here in the states it is illeagal to leave a refridge out without taking off the door. The danger of some child climbing in and suffocating is the reason.

  11. Wonderful and thoughtful take on the theme. Some people just don't care what their property looks like nor do they care much about the environment. So much of what we use can be recycled. I'm a firm believer in recycling whatever we can. In Chicago, there are scavengers who make the rounds up and down the city alleys, before garbage pick-up day, looking for things they can pick up and recycle. There is money to be made doing it. When I was packing up my house to move, last year, and was getting rid of tons of old stuff, you wouldn't believe how fast items like that were picked up. Sometimes it would be within less than a half hour. My son & I would drag a load out to the alley and by the time we dragged out another load, anything that could be recycled was gone.

  12. Nice take on the theme! I see a lot of that around here, and it's so sad that people seem to think just dumping junk outside is okay.

    My Picture Perfect Theme

  13. Yes... you are so's a pity that there are still people who neglect the environment protection, despite of all the European directives on the issue. I like your take on the theme.

  14. amazing........people are still so clueless.

  15. true and here we have a big waste disposal for all the old t.v.'s and old computers, etc all that electronic stuff we all use it and it gets old and breaks. My hubby wont take it to the waste site even tho they offer to pick it all up for us. He won't part with it, it sits in our sunroom. I hate that.people are packrats, some of them.

  16. Four times a year there is a special collect for these kind of things here.

    Different and original take on this weeks extravagance !!!

  17. I agree with you in the overindulgence and selfishness of these individuals and many more.
    Your blog was extremely interesting... I learn so things.

  18. That's true an extravagance waste. Great take on the theme I totally love it.
    Please feel free to stop by: My Extravagance

  19. Unusual take on the theme but I agree with you and the things people disgard are often very extravagant. Luv M.

  20. I have seen similar places, and it disgusts me. Great take on the theme, great photo!

  21. Great shot and a VERY important message. This kind of dumping has got to stop.

  22. Very interesting take on the theme. I would have to agree. We should care for the great beautiful country and resources that are provided for our enjoyment.

  23. Excellent post! This one gives food for thought too. One of the more interesting posts I have seen so far.
    My Picture Perfect

  24. Yes it would be nice if more people were responsible or made to be responsible. Great PP

    Click here for Empress C's Extravagance

  25. Tis all true....and as the saying goes....a picture paints a thousand words.

    Picture Perfect Friday Extravagance

  26. Yes, I understand people not wanting to pay to have their unwanted rubbish hauled away. We pay taxes so we pay for this service. Okay, I say it's easy to be green in Madrid, but, as you can imagine, not everyone is. There are still lots of people who throw paper and other things in the streets, and these people use the excuse that they're providing jobs (for street cleaners). Then the lake in the Retiro Park has to be cleaned out before the firefighters can use it for diving practice. I don't know what's the strangest thing that's been found - washing machines and other household appliances for sure. I can only speak for myself. When I bought a new mattress, I threw the old one out before the new one arrived because I didn't want to wait another month to get rid of it as I live in a small flat. I suppose I could have thrown it out later or found a container that someone who was re-decorating their flat had hired like lots of people would have done. I'm not like that, and I only had to sleep on the floor one night. Have a good weekend

  27. I like the words you have. I do also concern about the CRT when people replace their CRT monitor with flat LCD. Very good entry.
    BTW, thanks for the support

  28. Can't argue with that, A unique good take on the theme

    Picture Perfect - Extravagance

  29. This is an excellent post on extravagance and one of the most informative too. Where I live we have places that pay for recycled products or, at least, take in donations for reusing and recycling. There really is no excuse for this kind of waste when these places are available. Perhaps sending the picture to the local city council will get something done. The fridge alone sitting there waiting to be a hiding spot for a kids game makes me worry most of all.

    Again a great post!

  30. Informative entry for PPF this week, whoever put this kind of garbage just simply showing their ignorant towards the environment, shame on them !!!!

    You visited my entry, thank you.
