Sunday 8 June 2008

welcome to my garden No 2


Oh what wonderful weather, another afternoon in my garden. Thanks to every one who left comments and advice last time, the eco-friendly weed killer is in production and I am considering bird baths, nesting boxes and even little butterfly boxes. Today I managed to get the hedge cut for the first time this year. Last year when I was reorganising every thing I really wanted the hedge ripped out and a fence or wall put in. Once  I realised  the cost involved  I didn’t have much choice but to keep the hedge. I was worried about being able to keep it trimmed, but now that summer is here again, I’m quite glad I kept it. It’s just more greenery in the garden and another play area for the birds. No doubt the day will come when I won’t be able to keep cutting the hedge but until then……………………..well I guess it stays.


I’ve also given a lot of thought to what Emma was saying about giving the more fragile plants like lavender some protection through the winter. So now I am considering planting lavender and honeysuckle (the two plants I lost) directly into the ground in the wild garden area. The other option I’m considering is getting one of those little plastic ‘greenhouse’ type structures for the garden. There is no space for a conventional green house, anyway I am supposed to be working toward a maintenance free garden, but I thought one of those small plastic covered frames for the pots to over winter in may be the answer.

Also, due to the strange things that seem to happen to the photos I post here, I have put ALL of my recent garden photos over on flickr, I’m also about to post them here on multiply in an album.

So………….thanks for your advice, please excuse me if I don’t manage to get round to your sites to repay the visit. Once the summer holidays start I shall have 6 whole weeks to visit and comment as much as I please. Three weeks to go to the end of term!!, yep we break up a lot earlier here in Scotland.


  1. HEY I went out and sprayed a weed with some vinegar and that poor old thing dried up and died in a matter of hours. I learned something today too ! LOL (It was just regular 5% acidity )

  2. LOL If you figure out how to do a maintenance free garden, please share the secret.

  3. Thanks for the read and pics above:) A greenhouse is a wonderful idea!

  4. Hi Loretta :))

    Yes, a small plastic greenhouse that can be secured against winds but easily stored away would be a brilliant idea!

    I have lavender and rosemary out all year round and they seem to survive ok, they do get a bit leggy and woody now and again, but a quick prune and the clippings offered to friends for baking or bathing, and all is well LOL.

    Blessings of joy and sun for you and your garden this summer )o(

  5. Hello Loretta
    Very nice garden. Making a maintenance free garden is not easy. My garden ( See my page) is quiet big and it has taken a couple of years to get it easy to manage. Its only the lawn that need constant attention now. But that aint easy when the sun is blazing down like it has been for the last few days. I don't know where you are in the UK but I`m in York and phew its hot.
    Anyway keep at it.

  6. i love the hedge, it's a pretty way to have some privacy. i'll keep my fingers crossed for your plants. HUGS
