Sunday 14 September 2008

Art Sunday, Cross Dressing, Joan of Ark, Rossetti

Joan of Arc, and other Rossetti paintings
kissing the Sword of Deliverance,
Dante Charles Gabriel Rossetti

For a while there I thought I wouldn't be doing Art Sunday and then I changed my mind. Here is the greatest cross dresser of all time

A very short Art Sunday this week, for lots of reasons and it is the last one that will be open to the public. I have never restricted viewing to any of my posts before but I think the time has come to be a little more careful about who can and who cannot view what I post. In future, starting next week, every Art Sunday, or any other Art and image based post, posted by me, will only be viewable by my immediate contacts. This probably include poetry Wednesday as well because I usually use lots of images to illustrate the poem.

PLEASE..........if you normally participate in Art Sunday or Poetry Wednesday, or if you just come by to check out these posts, send an invite and become my contact.
thank you


  1. Joan, she was quite the personality....excellent painting

  2. It's wonderful to see the detail. I love her jewelry.

  3. I used to be fascinated with a huge equestrian statue of Joan outside the old Melbourne Museum (Victoria, Australia). It was so imposing. Her story has inspired many the noble portrait. And I agree with Bennett about the detail in the fabrics and jewellery. Very sumptuous.

  4. Yes she was the most famouse cross dresser I think good painting

  5. Hopefully this is a picture everyone can see enlarged. I think her necklaces look like something we would have made as children from wild berries and such.
