Saturday 6 September 2008

Opps, Sorry seem to have messed up

Opps Sorry think I’ve ‘flooded’ your in boxes.

Think I have completely messed up and flooded every ones in-boxes with junk you can’t even read. I suddenly and unexpectedly gained access to all my old 360 blogs. I thought they were lost and gone for ever and was not expecting to have access to them again.  Thought I should ‘strike while the iron is hot’, as the saying goes, and import them all while I had the opportunity, I don’t  expect access to 360 to last for very long. So, I sought advice and attempted to import every thing in one go while making sure it was marked private so as not to flood all my contacts in-boxes, I failed dismally. I think what I have done is to post them all with limited access which may be showing in every ones in-boxes but not allowing you to read them!!

Like I said…………….opps sorry!!, I didn’t mean to clutter up the place with all this old stuff. Anyway, since it’s all out there I’m about to change the access to enable any one to read, not that it’s particularly exciting, it’s just stuff I did a year or so ago when I first started blogging. The situation is not helped by my absolute lack of time recently, I seem to be either at work, babysitting or doing stuff for eco-schools. As a token of my sincere apologies’ for messing this up I’m providing a few light refreshments and small gifts (all fair trade of course), just help your self as you pass through. Maybe some day soon I’ll have a bit more time where I can sit down and catch up with people properly and not be in such a rush all the time.

More food, wine and gifts here


  1. Don't worry, Loretta. I think most of us who've imported our blogs from 360 have done this - only I imported mine as soon as Multiply came up with the import tool as I thought 360 was going to close and I didn't have as many people in my network then. Frankly I think they've forgotten it even exists at Yahoo.

  2. oh, please don't worry, hun. i'm glad you were able to get it done! have a glass or two of wine! HUGS

  3. You are forgiven...the wine and cheese helped. Have a beautiful day.

  4. That's quite ok. I actually had my share of muck-ups yesterday on my computer with one message I'd spent time on typing going missing and when I did another it appeared in a post to my Yahoo group full of wing dings..silly looking looked like I was on plonk. Anyway, I would be delighted to share a bottle of red with you. I'm having spag bol tonight so a dry red would go down a treat.

  5. hehehehe loretta that has happened to others and I think that is the way and it can't be avoided
    pour me a glass to my friend

  6. no worries when we all first crossed over this was the norm everyday

  7. So nice of you all to be so understanding, help yourself to the gifts and snacks found here

    or on my front page, hope you enjoy them, nice to have a bit of an excuse for a celebration
