Sunday 28 September 2008

Picture Perfect, Old fashioned

I wasn't going to post a PP this week and then i realised this picture from the Crombie Park album would be just  perfect for this theme. My dream is to one day find my self living in a little house that looks exactly like this with the front door looking out onto the sea. I would sit at my door and watch the sun rise over the sea.  The only sounds; the sea crashing against the shore, the sand being dragged back into the sea and the gulls screeching above the wind and the waves, no company, no conversation, no nothing except me and my house and the sea. …… Oh Navadapicture pefect, old fashioned


  1. I *love* your idea of "no nothing", although I would like a more modern house... this one doesn't look like it has plumbing. I do so enjoy indoor plumbing!

    p.s. Love the George Orwell quote, too. Very fitting during these election times!

  2. I have the same dream, although maybe some conversation once in a while. lol Great picture.

  3. Beautiful photo... made me somewhat homesick, but brought back wonderful memories. There were several homes similar to this in rural Virginia were I lived in the early 80's

  4. loretta my dream to a very good foto

  5. This is a wonderful house; I would like one like it for the warmer months. To wake up to the sea and the gulls would be perfect.

  6. That would be a dream come true, Loretta. I wouldn't mind living in a similar house near this one. I love it.

  7. Great shot there. Love it.
    Feel free to check out my take: Slightly Old Fashioned

  8. Beautiful...sounds pretty much like my dream too...:)

  9. I like your wish/dream to live in a house by the sea! I would even settle for a large lake. LOL Great shot.

    Empress C's PP

  10. I share your dream. Great photo. Isn't it amazing how we are led astray and ultimately do just the opposite?

  11. I hope your dream comes true one day, lovely photo !!!

  12. i love old houses,,abandoned or not,,great picture
